The following software is supported by the Haxe Foundation:
The Haxe Compiler and Standard Library
Aside from the compilation of Haxe projects, the compiler provides additional services such as autocompletion for IDEs and a compiler cache for faster compilations.
The Haxe Standard Library
The standard library provides a consistent set of classes that work across various platforms, as well as ways of interacting with whichever native environment you are compiling to.
The API Documentation contains detailed specification of the expected behaviour of each class in the Standard Library.
The Haxe Visual Studio Code Extension
VSHaxe is supported by Haxe Foundation in order to get the best developer experience while writing Haxe code.
Haxelib enables developers to share simple re-usable libraries between Haxe projects.
The Haxelib command line tool integrates with the Haxe compiler to allow the compiler to include various libraries as requested.
The Haxelib repository stores all uploaded libraries on a centralized server so they can be made available to other developers.
The Haxelib website provides a way to browse available Haxelibs through a web interface.
Neko and HashLink VMs
HashLink and Neko are virtual machines created and maintained by the Haxe Foundation.