
from HTYP, the free directory anyone can edit if they can prove to me that they're not a spambot
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An HTML entity is a combination of characters which will be displayed within an HTML browser as a single character. All HTML entities begin with "&" (ampersand) and end with ";" (semicolon). Many entities have mnemonic names (such as "&", which displays an ampersand); any possible character can be displayed as an entity by using the format "&#number;" where number is the output character's ASCII value in decimal.


  • /list: list of some of the most useful entities



  • Do search engines resolve html entities when indexing web pages? That is, if I spelled a word (e.g. "schmerglefrotz") entirely using html entities, would someone be able to find that page by typing "schmerglefrotz" (after the site had been spidered, of course)? (As a test, I will spell a completely different word using HTML entities, and try Googling it later: FRELGKLOTZ)
    • 2007-07-15 answer: Yes, it does find it (though it took several months at least before this page got indexed).
    • 2016-11-28 answer: Searching for the word in question no longer produces any results. Neither does searching for "schmerglefrotz".


  • 2017-11-11 MediaWiki 1.28.0 apparently no longer supports the "&#d;" style of entity; you now have to use named entities.
  • 2020-05-23 This seems to have been fixed?