Aims and Scope:
The Internet Journal of Mental Health is a peer reviewed online journal that accepts submissions with a broadly defined definition of mental health. This includes manuscripts discussing psychiatric disorders, psychological strengths, psychological difficulties, the interaction of physical and mental health, and the psychosocial aspects of both medical and psychiatric disorders.
The journal also welcomes manuscript submissions discussing the epidemiology, treatment, rehabilitation, prevention, cultural, and racial/ethnic aspects of the mental health of both individuals and communities. Empirical articles using either quantitative or qualitative methods are both of interest. General, systematic and meta-analytic reviews are all welcomed.
Peer reviews are done with the goal of offering constructive criticism and to help contribute findings to the scientific literature.
The journal is indexed in CINAHL, Scopus, Directory of Open Access Journals, Academic Search Premier, Health & Wellness Resource Center, Health Reference Center Academic, and is listed in Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Psychology and Psychiatry.
For those interested in becoming a peer reviewer for the journal, for questions whether a manuscript is of interest to the journal, or any other questions, please send an e-mail to Dr. Joshua Fogel, the Editor-in-Chief [[email protected]] .
This is a peer reviewed journal. Every published article has been reviewed by members of the editorial board and the editor-in-chief. All articles are archived by Internet Scientific Publications LLC and recognized by The Library of Congress Catalog of Publications.