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Art director - Pokémon sword and shield

I’ve worked as an artist and manager on many different games in the Pokémon series, but most recently I worked as Art Director on Pokémon Sword and Shield - the first ever mainline console Pokémon games.
In that role I directed the art team and defined the entire look of the game.

Pokémon sword and shield - official trailer

Pokémon sword and shield - concept art

To define the look of the games I drew various pieces of concept art during the pre-production stage of development.

Stadium Battle Concept

Stadium Battle Concept

Hero’s Home Town Concept

Hero’s Home Town Concept

Hero’s House Concept

Hero’s House Concept

Pokémon sword and shield - promotional artwork

Towards the end of the project I drew artwork to help promote the game.

Dynamax Promotional Artwork

Dynamax Promotional Artwork


Illustration for Pokémon Trading Card Game

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Pokémon, Pokémon character names, Nintendo Switch are trademarks of Nintendo.