
As the physical home to the Knowlton community, Knowlton Hall includes a number of amenities to support the community.


Knowlton Hall

Knowlton Hall is the home to the three sections of the Knowlton School—Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and City and Regional Planning. Dedicated in 2004, Knowlton Hall is based on the integration of elements: inside and out, students and faculty, old and new, school and university, art and technology. Each of the three disciplines of architecture, landscape architecture, and city and regional planning are mixed. The design reflects the school’s mission of excellence in education, innovation in design and planning, and the stewardship of quality environment.

Building Hours

Effective August 22–December 17, 2023

Day Hours
Monday 7 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Tuesday 7 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Wednesday 5:30 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Thursday 7 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Friday 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Knowlton faculty, students, and staff have BuckID swipe access 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Card readers are located near the south garden and east main entrances.

University Holidays

no classes, offices closed

  • September 4, Labor Day
  • November 10, Veteran’s Day
  • November 24, Thanksgiving Day
  • November 25, Indigenous People’s Day

Banvard Gallery

10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Monday – Friday

Located on the first floor of Knowlton Hall, the Banvard Gallery is dedicated to thought-provoking exhibits that engage architecture, landscape architecture, and city and regional planning.

The gallery hosts four to six exhibitions each year, including work from the school's three disciplines and an annual year-end exhibit by the LeFevre fellow. Gallery exhibitions have included drawings, collages, photographs, models, site-specific installations, investigations in new materials and technology, and questions in contemporary practice.

Exhibit in Banvard Gallery in Knowlton Hall

Libraries and Archives

Architecture Library

The Architecture Library is located on the top floor of Knowlton Hall and consists of over 50,000 volumes and a listing of over 150 periodicals. The library also houses many pieces included in the School’s Classic Furniture Collection. 

For current hours of operation, see the Architecture Library

Architecture Library in Knowlton Hall

In 2005, the Architecture Library was selected by the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and the American Library Association (ALA) to receive an AIA/ALA Library Building Award. The award is given every two years to recognize the finest examples of library design by architects licensed in the United States.

Knowlton School Digital Library

The Knowlton School Digital Library hosts state-of-the-art image collections that support the Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and City and Regional Planning Section’s curricula in the Knowlton School. Through online resources, faculty and students can access high-quality images and multimedia files for use in research, study, or coursework. The Digital Library's exemplary teaching and research collections have helped to establish the school as an international resource for the study of design and planning.

For more information, see the Knowlton Digital Library

Herman J. Albrecht Library of Historical Architecture

The Herman J. Albrecht Library of Historical Architecture, located in The Ohio State University's William Oxley Thompson Memorial Library, was established and endowed by Robert S. and Margaret V. Albrecht in tribute to the career of the respected Ohio architect, Herman J. Albrecht, Robert's father. The library includes books previously housed in Herman's architectural office as well as architectural sketches, renderings, drawings and photographs of Herman Albrecht's work.

Herrick Building Archives

The Herrick Building Archive contains John Herrick's research regarding known structures at The Ohio State University from the inception of the University in the 1870s through 1988. Herrick's research forms an unprecedented and comprehensive history of both the structures at the University and campus planning efforts.

Quiet Room

8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Monday – Friday

The Knowlton Hall Quiet Room provides a space for individuals to engage in quiet reflection, to de-stress and to participate in prayer and other wellness activities. The space is available to all students, faculty, and staff in the College of Engineering.

Quiet Room in Knowlton Hall

The Quiet Room was opened in September of 2018 and is located in room 178 on the first floor of Knowlton Hall, adjacent to the carpeted review space. The room is minimally equipped with benches and mats and has intentionally been left as a blank slate. Other amenities will be added to improve the space over time as user feedback is gathered.

Permitted activities include meditation, prayer, relaxation breaks, breathing and stretching exercises, and mindfulness activities. The room is not intended for studying, meetings, lounging, or sleeping. Food and beverages are prohibited. Share your experience and feedback about the Quiet Room.

Green Spaces

The landscape architecture of Knowlton Hall was designed by Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, New York and Cambridge, and includes the South Cutout Garden, the Bosque to the east of the building, the pathways to the north, and the Roof Garden, accessible from the fourth floor of Knowlton Hall. These spaces are used as outdoor classrooms, study spaces, and places of rest and relaxation.

Knowlton Hall Rooftop Garden

KSA Café

Knowlton Hall is home to the KSA Café. The café is part of University Dining Services and provides a gathering place, access to fresh food, grab ‘n go items, and a full espresso bar.


ksa cafe in Knowlton Hall

Get hours, menu, and more information.


Two single-user, gender-inclusive restrooms with changing stations are available on the lower level of Knowlton Hall. An additional changing station is located at the women’s multi-user restroom on the fourth floor of Knowlton Hall near the Architecture Library.

The gender-inclusive restrooms on the lower level are accessible via the northwest elevator or stairs, via the ramp at the west end of the building, or the northwest entry door adjacent to the West Patio. Men’s and women’s multi-user restrooms alternate by floor and are located on floors one through four adjacent to the elevators at the northwest and southeast corners of the building. For a full list of gender-inclusive restrooms on campus, visit LGBTQ at Ohio State.

Knowlton Food Pantry

The Knowlton Food Pantry aims to provide quick snacks and easy meals for our students. Located between Student Services and the Banvard Gallery on the first floor of Knowlton Hall, the Knowlton Food Pantry is available to students 24 hours a day.

Students do not need to sign up or request assistance.  Simply drop by, and take what is needed.

Additional pantry resources are available through the Buckeye Food Alliance. Buckeye Food Alliance provides online ordering for easy pick up at Lincoln Tower.

Buckeye Food Alliance

To donate, items can be dropped off at Student Services offices on the first floor during regular business hours or ordered through our Amazon Wishlist to be delivered directly to our office.

Donate items via Amazon wishlist