Distinguished Visitors
Knowlton brings practitioners, theorists, and educators at the forefront of their field to Knowlton through the Baumer Memorial Seminar and the Glimcher and Trott Visiting Professorships.
Distinguished Visitors
Herbert Baumer Memorial Seminars
Since 1998, the Knowlton School has hosted the Herbert Baumer Memorial Seminars, a series of interactions between Knowlton students and seminal practitioners in architecture and related disciplines. Based on a significant amount of research, students lead a series of discussions that encourage visiting practitioners to position their work within a broader disciplinary context and to reveal their motivations and techniques. These interactions are recorded and transcribed and become the basis of the Source Books in Architecture Series.
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Glimcher Distinguished Visiting Professorship
The Glimcher Distinguished Visiting Professorship brings internationally recognized landscape architects and practitioners to Knowlton several times throughout the academic year to work with landscape architecture students. Glimcher Professors take part in seminars and design studios, lecture at the school, and engage in additional projects.
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Trott Distinguished Visiting Professor
The Trott Distinguished Visiting Professorship Program brings internationally acclaimed architects, landscape architects and planners to the Knowlton School each year. Trott Professors teach design studios, conduct seminars and lecture courses, and interact with faculty and students.