About Us
The Lexington Community Fire Protection District provides fire, rescue, and emergency medical services to the residents, businesses, landowners, and visitors of our taxpayer supported district in the area of Lexington, Illinois. The district includes area within the townships of Lexington, Money Creek, Chenoa, Gridley, Lawndale, Blue Mound, and Towanda and encompasses approximately 3,000 residents and 94 square miles in McLean County, the largest county in the state by area. The District also participates in a mutual-aid network called "MABAS"
Who We Are
Our department is primarily made up of 20+ volunteer community members

We are your neighbors & colleagues. We also hold career positions outside the fire service as mechanics, IT professionals, farmers, public servants, and more. We volunteer our time to protect life, property, and the environment.
You’re apt to spot us at least twice a month training at the station or our training facility – many times alongside other area departments. In addition, we train with regional utilities, at other fire departments, and with the Illinois Fire Service Institute.
Once you’re a firefighter, you’re “always” on-call. When you’re in town and available, we ask that you respond to calls. We definitely understand work and family time – we have them too. The first step is to talk with us.

Fire & Rescue
We are called to all manner of incidents, from motor vehicle collisions, carbon monoxide and smoke detector alarms to structure fires, hazardous material releases, and technical rescue incidents. We're there. We measure risk and enter smoke-filled and burning buildings to search for loved ones, put out fires, stabilize car wrecks and carefully and quickly extricate patients, and prevent the spread of hazardous materials.

Emergency medical services are primarily provided by licensed Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) at the Basic Life Support level on our ambulance, 3N30. When advanced care is needed, the closest Advanced Life Support crew of paramedics intercepts with us along our way to the patient's hospital of choice, boards our ambulance quickly with their complement of equipment and medicines, and we continue on our way.
We are a member agency of the Mclean County Area EMS System.

Community knowledge and willingness to perform CPR is essential for saving lives. In addition to training school staff on CPR and AED usage, we offer CPR, AED, and First Aid classes for our community suitable for babysitters, daycare providers, and everyone who might ever come into contact with any other human being, whether purposefully or not. Watch our Facebook page for announcements or contact us to schedule a class.