

Curious to learn more about loose leaf tea? Sign up for a LizzyKate tea class on your own or with a friend or family member. You'll learn:

  • how to taste test 4-5 different teas
  • how to describe different teas using a tea flavor wheel
  • how different teas are processed and where they come from
  • how to properly steep loose leaf tea to get the optimal flavor

There's plenty of time to ask questions and interact with each other while sipping on tea. Click on the classes below to learn more about each one. View our tea class and tea flight calendar here.

You can also schedule a private class for 4-6 people at the tea bar or a larger group up to 12 people at a time that's convenient for you. To reserve a date, call 425-250-6878 or email [email protected] with the number of people, preferred day of the week and topic preference.

Tea classes can also be arranged for larger groups during the day at off-site locations or after hours at the Kirkland shop.