The Multiple Engineering Cooperative Program (MECOP) is a robust, hybrid educational and industry experience for university engineering students, including Oregon Tech.
By participating in the co-op, students in our various engineering majors are guided through their coursework, participate in seminars and engage in two six-month internships with our business partners. The program instills in students a deep understanding of the theoretical and technical aspects of engineering. It also gives them exposure to different engineering disciplines, diverse professional workplace experiences, and state-of-the-art technology.
Students in the following programs may apply: Mechanical Engineering - (Klamath Falls campus only), Mechanical Engineering Technology, Manufacturing Engineering Technology, Geomatics, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering Technology, Embedded Systems Engineering Technology, and Computer Engineering Technology.
MECOP/CECOP Course Requirements
Here's what the co-op's timeline looks like for students:
First Year: Students begin lower-division coursework
Second year: Students complete lower-division coursework and, at the end of the year, apply and interview with the MECOP Advisory Board.
Third year: Accepted students attend a MECOP seminar and begin upper-division coursework. They also interview for their first internship, which they complete during the spring and summer.
Fourth year: Students attend another MECOP seminar and continue their coursework. They also interview for their second internship and work for a company during the summer and into the fall.
Fifth year: A third seminar is held, students complete their upper-division coursework and graduate with the Bachelor of Science degree for their respective programs.
Benefits of MECOP
- Real work experience
- Two six-month internships
- Opportunity to experience the real work environments, tryout different sectors of industries, management styles, etc.
- Learn early in your career what an engineer really is like
- Learn from experience your academic and personal strengths and weaknesses
- Make more informed course selections upon return to the university
- Have motivation or reasons to apply yourself
- Finance all or a major part of your education
- Develop the ability to understand and grasp course content upon return to the university
- Develop maturity and confidence
- Become highly marketable after graduating
- Make contacts in industry that last a lifetime

"I chose Oregon Tech because it has a strong Geomatics department and supports participation in the MECOP/CECOP internship program. Also, the small class sizes make classes a lot more enjoyable."
Rhonda Costin, Geomatics

"All MECOP internships are paid six-month internships. This is interesting when working at Boeing because the majority of interns that work here are only here for a 10 or 12-week summer internship. The 6-months gives me enough time to get trained up first then to start doing some actual work with the team."
Chance Alford, Mechanical Engineering

MECOP Advisory Board
Interested in applying or have questions? Contact Professor Brian Moravec, MECOP’s program coordinator.