Leg-flagged Spoon-billed Sandpiper © Sayam Chowdhury


You can support the OBC by making a donation. Once you receive confirmation, UK tax payers can choose to Gift Aid their donation for OBC to be able to claim the tax on your donation (currently 25%). Simply confirm you are a UK taxpayer and fill out the form and details for OBC to make the claim.

If you wish to donate to our Migratory Shorebirds Fund and conservation of the Spoon-billed Sandpiper please write SHOREBIRDS or SBSTF as "Reason for donation" under Additional Information after entering your credit card details. Thank you.


Gifting to the OBC in your will

By leaving the OBC a gift in your legacy, you can support the future for Asia’s bird life.

Here’s some background information about how to go about setting up a legacy.

Alternatively, you can email OBC in confidence: [email protected]