Alessandro Farinelli

Professore Ordinario (Full Professor)
Dipartimento di Informatica (University of Verona, ITALY)

Address: Ca Vignal 2, Strada le Grazie 15
37134 - Verona - ITALY

Contacts: Tel: +39 045 8027842 -- Fax: +39 045 8027068 -- E-mail: [email protected]

Alessandro Farinelli is full professor at University of Verona, Department of Computer Science.

His research interests focus on developing novel methodologies for Artificial Intelligence systems applied to robotics and cyber physical systems. In particular, he focuses on multi-agent coordination, decentralized optimization, reinforcement learning and data analysis for cyber-phisical systems.

Alessandro Farinelli was principal investigator for several national and international research projects in the broad area of Artificial Intelligence. His research contributions target mainly international journals in the area of Artificial Intelligence (e.g., Artificial Intelligence journal and Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research) and Autonomous Robotic Systems (Autonomous Robots and Robotics and Autonomous Systems). The main scientific conferences he contributes to (both as organizer and speaker) include the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) and the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).