Salam HomeFi 5G

Salam HomeFi 5G

5G is the fifth and newest generation of data technology that delivers higher speeds, better reliability, low latency, high bandwidth, and massive network capacity. This higher performance and improved efficiency that 5G technology offers empowers user experience.

Salam HomeFi 5G

291 SAR Monthly

  • Download speed up to 140 mbps
  • Upload speed up to 25 mbps
  • Contract Period 24 month
  • Free 5G CPE Router
  • Package Card

Check coverage & subscribe
Salam 5g

* Customer will pay a security deposit -equivalent to 1-month subscription fees

* The service will be designated to the location where the customer activated their service the 1st Time

* The 5G service & devices provided is locked to Salam 5G SIM cards and Zain 5G Network.

* The above prices include 15% VAT.

Terms & Conditions

Plug & play

Easy Payment

High speed


Salam HomeFI 5G is ultra-high-speed wireless internet designated to a certain fixed location that provides similar performance to FTTH.

You can subscribe to Salam 5G 5G HomeFI service through the below channels:

  • Direct Sales 
  • Tele Sales 
  • Salam Retail shops 
  • Salam Website 

  • Download speed : up to 140 Mbps
  • Upload speed : up to 25 Mbps
  • The minimum guaranteed speed is 70% of the speed the customer selected.

  • Valid identification card 
  • Abshir authentication 
  • Semati Authentication 
  • Sign a promissory Note for the amount of 1000SR 
  • Pay the deposit of 291 SR 

Yes, the deposit fee will be 291 SAR, which will be refunded as a paid invoice on the 13th month of your subscription.

Yes, the service has a commitment period of 24 Months.

Yes, a Salam sales representative will help you activate and install your router if support is required.

Yes, Salam will grant you a 2-day trial period to test the service with no commitment.

Once the service is activated. You will be notified by Salam via SMS regarding the start & end date of your HomeFI 5G trial period.

Visit Salam website and click on the coverage map to check if your location is covered.

You will receive an SMS from Salam informing you that your 2-day trial period is over & your service commitment has started.

You can terminate your service by calling Salam Customer Care Team on 8005000000.

Yes, if you terminate the service within the trial period, you will be asked to return the 5G router that Salam provided to you.

In that case, terms & conditions in Salam contract will be applied. 

Yes, you can relocate your service multiple times during your subscription period by calling Salam Customer Care at 8005000000.

If you face any issues with the service, please call Salam Customer Care at 8005000000 or Visit any Salam Retail shops.

To terminate your subscription, please call Salam Customer Care at 8005000000 or Visit any Salam Retail shops.

Yes, the Salam HomeFI 5G service has a termination fee of 100 SR for each month remaining in your contract. 

If you terminate the service before the end of the commitment period, you will have to pay the termination fee, and you may keep the router if you wish to. 

You can return the router by visiting one of Salam retail shops.