Welcome to the Serebii.net Cardex sub-section for Extra Pok�mon kinds.

After a few sets were released, different kinds of Pok�mon were released. These Pok�mon were of the same species as the other Pok�mon, but have added differences. The differences may seem superficial to some, but they give added features, attacks and new elements to the game.

As the card game got more expansions, these changes became more common place and each set includes Pok�mon of these kinds. Click the Pok�mon kind name to go to their page.

Standard Varients

Dark Pok�mon
Light Pok�mon
Shining Pok�mon
Pok�mon Star
Delta Species Pok�mon
Pok�mon Lv. X
Pok�mon LEGEND
Pok�mon SP

Pok�mon SP
Pok�mon Galactic
Pok�mon Gym Leader
Pok�mon Elite Four
Pok�mon Champion
Pok�mon Frontier Brain
Pok�mon Movies