Pokemon Stadium 2 was the follow up from the previous Pok�mon stadium games, with this game including the implementation of the 100 new Pok�mon introduced within Gold & Silver. As such, it features all 251 Pok�mon and all their attacks in glorious 3D.
Pok�mon Stadium 2 allowed you to connect your Pok�mon Green, Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver & Crystal games to the Nintendo 64 and use the Pok�mon in a variety of battle modes. These modes varied from Stadium modes where you battle through multiple trainers to win a cup and where you battle against the various gym leaders of Johto & Kanto. These battles can be done either with the Pok�mon from your GameBoy games or with some of the many Rental Pok�mon. Plus, while all Pok�mon use updated versions of their cry in this game, if you use Pikachu from Yellow, it will say its name as per the anime.
Outside of battling, the game provides organisational aspects of the game which allow you to organise the Pok�mon in your boxes in the GameBoy game. In addition to this, you can also check through the Pok�dex in full 3D and trade between two different game paks. Finally, it also includes 12 Mini-games which can be played on your own or with other players. It also includes a feature which allows you to see and decorate your room in 3D. Finally, it also includes the special Pok�mon Academy which teaches all the various aspects of the game and has a massive library
Not only does the game give various battle challenges for you to use your Pok�mon from the GameBoy games within, but it provides various Prizes. These prizes are of very rare Pok�mon with moves they couldn't normally learn at the time of release.
Like its predecessor, Pok�mon Stadium 2 has a lower level of difficulty to start with. However, once you have defeated the game, it unlocks a new mode, Round 2, which features tougher trainers.