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Welcome to St. Peter's Health Partners

At St. Peter’s Health Partners, we are dedicated to offering high-quality, compassionate care. For your convenience, we have gathered some important resources that may be useful for our patients, their families, and caregivers.

Older couple hugging and using laptop

Convenient online scheduling

Making a primary care appointment has never been easier.

Schedule Today

Visitation Policies

At St. Peter’s Health Partners, our patients are at the heart of our mission. We understand the separation of patients and their loved ones during a hospitalization can cause significant stress and anxiety.

Please review the guidelines prior to visiting.

View Visitation Policy
Man resting with hand on head

Before Going to the ER

Different ways to seek care

Read First


Central Registration

St. Peter’s Hospital Patients

Central Registration at St. Peter’s Hospital has now centralized for the following service areas: diagnostic imaging, endoscopy, nuclear medicine, cardiac cath, EP lab, cardiac/vascular surgery, and outpatient lab. Central Registration for these areas are now located on Main Street in the former Pre-Admission Testing space, which is on the first floor just past the information desk and before the food court. Central Registration at St. Peter’s Hospital can be reached at 518-525-1946.

Samaritan Hospital Patients

Central Registration is located in the Lally Pavilion on the first floor of the hospital. It has a separate entrance on Peoples Avenue. Central Registration at Samaritan Hospital can be reached at 518-326-7517.

Patient Rights 

As a patient in a hospital in New York State, you have certain rights consistent with law. The following documents outline your rights as a patient and/or the parent of a patient:

Patient Experience

Please contact our Patient Experience team with any concerns or complaints about any St. Peter's Health Partners hospital or provider office.

  • Hospital Complaints518-525-1192.
  • Provider Office Complaints: 518-525-6654
  • General Patient Experience Complaints518-525-1192 (Please use this number if your complaint has not been resolved through your nurses and doctors office.)

You may also contact Patient Experience via email: PatientExperience@SPHP.com.

If hospital staff are not able to resolve the problem, you may contact the New York State Department of Health by mail or phone. You may call the toll-free number, 1-800-804-5447, or you may file a complaint in writing and send it to:

New York State Department of Health Centralized Hospital Intake Program 
Mailstop: CA/DCS 
Empire State Plaza 
Albany, NY 12237

Questions or comments: hospinfo@health.state.ny.us

Language Access Program (Interpreter Services)  
315 South Manning Blvd., Suite 6541, Albany, NY 12208 