We’re on a mission to banish the blah,
bull and bunkum from business writing.
We’ll give you the hands-on help you need to ditch corporate speak.
And we’ll change your organisation for good with the power of words.

What we do
Writing training
Practical, interactive workshops, tailored to your teams.
Tone of voice
The right words for your brand, created in partnership with your people.
Brilliant copy that’s bang on brief, crafted by our wordsmiths.
Because blah isn’t just bad for business, it’s bad for the world.
Blah turns communications into transactions, people into robots. It hides the important stuff, spins the truth, puts up barriers, shuts down opinions, crushes creativity and ruins relationships. The more we blah, the less human we are.
When you get rid of blah,
all kinds of amazing things happen
You show the world what you really stand for. You make meaningful connections with your customers. You help everyone understand everything clearly, so they feel included and welcome.
By helping people to be better communicators, you make them happier. You give them skills and confidence that last a lifetime.