West Virginia Map

Lost World Caverns- Head underground at these caverns outside Lewisburg, West Virginia. Observe stalactites and stalagmites in the cool interior of the 52-degree caverns. Take a self-guided tour of the cave’s 1/2-mile loop or explore deeper with a four hour guided tour.

West Virginia Map Photo Gallery

This rapid development of a new suburban morphology has occurred in parallel with inner-city decline the world over, demanding that the issues within the urban cores and suburban developments are addressed simultaneously. In city centers, the earlier congestion caused by the confluence of horses, carriages, bicycles, and streetcars has been replaced by automobile congestion. A further challenge has been to accommodate motorized traffic in cities that were designed for walking and horse-drawn carts.

With an efficient, less damaging transportation network, can decayed inner-city areas become ‘places’ served by and connected to other places? Can transport connectivity and place making feed off and reinforce each other and enhance livability in these areas?

While the above questions need to be asked in the context of inner-city or urban transformation, consideration should simultaneously be given to the fundamental transformation occurring in suburbs. In the US, the once affluent, middle-class suburbs of 30 years ago are being gentrified. New immigrants, the elderly, singles, and childless households are over-represented in the suburban populace. This is also true for suburbs in Australian cities, where an investigation of the socioeconomic impact of rising fuel prices and general price inflation revealed the gentrified outer and fringe suburban zones to be the most vulnerable. How far can ‘business-as-usual’ planning with more emphasis on a car culture and less investment in transit provision go towards addressing social inequity and giving universal accessibility to jobs and services?

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