Failure of
The St. Francis Dam
St. Francis Dam Dam failure William Mulholland landslide dam
paleolandslide Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
This colorized photo was taken the day after St. Francis
Dam failed.
-St Francis Dam for ASCE Press
-Impacts of the 1928 St. Francis Dam Failure
on Geology, Civil Engineering, and America
The St. Francis Dam Dam Outburst
Flood With GIS
(.PDF of 29 Slide PowerPoint Presentation - 14 MB)
Learned from the St. Francis Dam
(.PDF of article from Geo-Strata Volume 6, Issue 2 (Mar-Apr 2006)- 7 MB)
This colorized photo shows the St. Francis Dam on
its day of formal
dedication in May of 1926, almost two years before the failure.
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on this page?
E-mail Dr. J David Rogers at [email protected].