Ulchala | village

India / Andhra Pradesh / Karnul /
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Ulchala is a Village in Kurnool Mandal in Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh State, India. It belongs to Rayalaseema region . It is located 15 KM towards west from District head quarters Kurnool. 15 KM from Kurnool. 360 KM from State capital Vijayawada.A.gokulapadu ( 6 KM ) , Parla ( 6 KM ) , G.singavaram ( 6 KM ) , Edurur ( 8 KM ) , Remata ( 8 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Ulchala. Ulchala is surrounded by Kurnool Mandal towards East , Gudur Mandal towards west , Waddepalle Mandal towards North , Manopadu Mandal towards North .
Kurnool , Yemmiganur , Gadwal , Bethamcherla are the nearby Cities to Ulchala.

This Place is in the border of the Kurnool District and Mahbubnagar District. Mahbubnagar District Alampur is East towards this place . It is near to the Telangana State Border.

Demographics of Ulchala

Telugu is the Local Language here. Total population of Ulchala is 5744 .Males are 2954 and Females are 2,790 living in 1093 Houses. Total area of Ulchala is 4127 hectares.


By Road

Kurnool is the Nearest Town to Ulchala. Kurnool is 14 km from Ulchala. Road connectivity is there from Kurnool to Ulchala.

By Rail

There is no railway station near to Ulchala in less than 10 km. How ever there are railway Stations from Near By town Kurnool. are the railway Stations near to Kurnool. You can reach from Kurnool to Ulchala by road after . How ever Bellary Jn Rail Way Station is major railway station 147 KM near to Ulchala

By Bus

Kurnool APSRTC Bus Station , Krnl Checkpost APSRTC Bus Station , Birla Gate APSRTC Bus Station are the nearby by Bus Stations to Ulchala .APSRTC runs busses from Kurnoo Busstand to here.

Colleges near Ulchala

Kendriya Vidyalaya Jr College Kurnool
Vijayawada Nalanda Jr College, Kurnool
St Joseph S Jr College? Kurnool
St Joseph S Jr Coll For Girls Kurnool
Osmania College Kurnool

Schools in Ulchala

Zphs Ulchala
Address : ulchala , kurnool , kurnool , Andhra Pradesh . PIN- 518018

Saraswathi Vidya Mandir
Address : ulchala , kurnool , kurnool , Andhra Pradesh . PIN- 518467 , Post - Pendekallu

Roopa Ups Ulchala
Address : ulchala , kurnool , kurnool , Andhra Pradesh . PIN- 518467 , Post - Pendekallu

Mpps(r) Ulchala
Address : ulchala , kurnool , kurnool , Andhra Pradesh . PIN- 518018
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   15°50'1"N   77°55'10"E
This article was last modified 10 years ago