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Mind Mapping for Coaches and Consultants
Mind Mapping for Coaches and Consultants
Learn how mind mapping techniques and tools can help in your coaching and/or consultancy business! In this live webinar, Liam Hughes (Founder: Bigger…
Speaker: Liam Hughes
Date: 12 March 2025
Member Office Hours
Member Office Hours
Liam Hughes (Founder: Biggerplate) will be live and available to answer your mind mapping queries and questions in this interactive session for Bigger…
Speaker: Liam Hughes
Date: 26 March 2025
Elevate Your Writing with Mind Maps
Elevate Your Writing with Mind Maps
Mind mapping expert and author Chuck Frey will share practical mind mapping tips and techniques for success in your next writing project! Whether wri…
Speaker: Chuck Frey
Date: 08 April 2025
Member Office Hours
Member Office Hours
Liam Hughes (Founder: Biggerplate) will be live and available to answer your mind mapping queries and questions in this interactive session for Bigger…
Speaker: Liam Hughes
Date: 23 April 2025

On-Demand: Recently Added

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Value Ladder Planning with Mind Maps
Value Ladder Planning with Mind Maps
Garland Coulson (aka Captain Time) will share how he has used MindMeister mind mapping software to develop his Value Ladder plan for his business. He …
Speaker: Garland Coulson
Date: 08 May 2024
PESTLE Mapping with MindManager
PESTLE Mapping with MindManager
Learn how to build a comprehensive PESTLE analysis mind map using MindManager! Liam Hughes (Founder: Biggerplate) demonstrates a step-by-step process …
Speaker: Liam Hughes
Date: 07 May 2024
Assistive Learning with Mind Maps
Assistive Learning with Mind Maps
Assistive Technology expert Brian Friedlander shows the many ways that mind mapping tools and techniques can support educators and learners. Brian sho…
Speaker: Brian Friedlander
Date: 29 April 2024
Middle Leadership with Mind Maps
Middle Leadership with Mind Maps
In this session Bill Lowe explores the challenges of middle leadership, including delegation, managing up, change management (John Kotter model), perf…
Speaker: Bill Lowe
Date: 25 March 2024
Mind Mapping in Software Engineering
Mind Mapping in Software Engineering
Toyer Mamoojee (Head of QA and Test Engineering) explores the uses of mind mapping in software engineering, from the strategic leadership level to det…
Speaker: Toyer Mamoojee
Date: 07 March 2024
Mind Mapping IT Ecosystems
Mind Mapping IT Ecosystems
Robert "Bob" Bogucki shares how he uses MindMeister to gain a comprehensive view of client IT Ecosystems before beginning digital transformation proje…
Speaker: Robert Bogucki
Date: 23 February 2024
Information Mapping in Projects
Information Mapping in Projects
In this wide ranging interview Richard (Rick) Belanger (Dianous) explores the applications of mapping tools to handle information complexity through t…
Speaker: Richard Belanger
Date: 13 February 2024
Accelerated Learning with Mind Maps
Accelerated Learning with Mind Maps
Juliana Khalil explores the use of mind mapping for enabling and accelerating learning. She discusses how we create new learning habits and why mind m…
Speaker: Juliana Khalil
Date: 07 February 2024

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On-Demand: Project Management

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Using Mind Maps for Project Planning
Using Mind Maps for Project Planning
Experienced Project Manager Jim Franklin (CB&I) shares methods to improve project planning with mind maps.
Speaker: Jim Franklin
Advanced Project Management with Mind Maps
Advanced Project Management with Mind Maps
Consultant Adam Cherrill will demonstrate how to manage real-world, fixed price projects without ever leaving your mind mapping software.
Speaker: Adam Cherrill
Mind mapping in Project Status Reporting
Mind mapping in Project Status Reporting
In this Business Club webinar, consultant Mark Pohlmann (YellowOrange IT) will discuss how mind maps can be used to report progress to project stakeholders.
Speaker: Mark Pohlman
Mind Mapping Across the Project Lifecycle
Mind Mapping Across the Project Lifecycle
In this Biggerplate PRO webinar, Andrew Makar shows us how mind mapping techniques and technology can be usefully applied across multiple stages in a typical project lifecycle.
Speaker: Andrew Makar
Mind Mapping Software as a Powerful Project Management Tool
Mind Mapping Software as a Powerful Project Management Tool
In this exclusive Business Club webinar, Chance Brown (SPX Corporation) will share perspectives and experience in using mind mapping to manage complex projects.
Speaker: Chance Brown
Mind Maps for Harnessing Project Team`s Collective Intelligence
Mind Maps for Harnessing Project Team`s Collective Intelligence
In this webinar, Maneesh Dutt will guide you through a simple three step process for effective team Mind Mapping, with a real life example, and also discover possible Mind Mapping opportunities along the complete project life cycle of any project.
Speaker: Maneesh Dutt
Mind Mapping the Product Owners Overview
Mind Mapping the Product Owners Overview
The Product Owner role has many facets in the agile context. A lot of high value sources tried to define the role, but what do they have in common? Where are the differences? What are the responsibilities? How are they organized around teams? How are you able to scale? And finally, what is your understanding? In this webinar Patrick will share his mind map of the Product Owner’s role and relevance to the most popular agile sources.
Speaker: Patrick Sauerwein
Managing Projects with Mind Maps and Kanban
Managing Projects with Mind Maps and Kanban
During this webinar Teg will cover, how to set up the Kanban feature in MindManager 2019, including your personalized board, creating icon groups for task categorizing, and switching between your map and Kanban views. He will also look at importing your Outlook schedule to your Kanban map and touch on bringing JIRA tasks into your mind map.
Speaker: Tegid Griffiths

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On-Demand: Productivity

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Mind Mapping for Personal Productivity
Mind Mapping for Personal Productivity
In this webinar, Biggerplate Founder Liam Hughes will explain a simple process for building a mind map 'dashboard' to help you stay in control of your tasks and information, and improve your productivity at work!
Speaker: Liam Hughes
Productivity with Mind Mapping Kanban Integration
Productivity with Mind Mapping Kanban Integration
When mind mapping is seamlessly integrated with Kanban task management, the combined impact significantly improves productivity and tasks efficiency. Barry will illustrate how he achieves this with software Ayoa that combines mind mapping with Kanban task management effortlessly.
Speaker: Barry Jenner
From Mind Map to Kanban
From Mind Map to Kanban
In this exclusive Business Club webinar, Faizel Mohidin (founder: Using Mind Maps Magazine) will discuss his Mind Map to Kanban project which combines Mind Maps with Lean and Agile project and task management methods.
Speaker: Faizel Mohidin
Mind Mapping and Time Management
Mind Mapping and Time Management
Hélène Beslard will show you how mind mapping can help you to integrate your long term objectives into your daily life, identify priorities, and manage your time and productivity!
Speaker: Hélène Beslard

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On-Demand: Education

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How to Study with Mind Maps
How to Study with Mind Maps
Learn how to use mind maps to take and organize notes, manage information, and enhance your thinking and learning.
Speaker: Toni Krasnic
Mind Mapping for Teaching Children
Mind Mapping for Teaching Children
This webinar will assist teachers and anyone interested (Parents most especially) in how to teach children mind mapping. It will highlight the type of examples that make it easy for children to grasp concepts, and explain the benefit to the children. Suleiman with share his experience of how he uses mind maps in his day to day business. The primary tool would be iMindMap 10 plus other examples using MindMeister and XMind.
Speaker: Suleiman Shaibu
Mind Mapping for School Teachers and Students
Mind Mapping for School Teachers and Students
Peter seeks to inspire or help teachers and students in their schools. He uses mind maps a lot to prepare, teach, summarize, and brainstorm. He will share how he uses mind maps in different situations as well as show some mind map functions. Some examples of his work have been uploaded to Biggerplate and are available to download.
Speaker: Peter te Riele
Inspiring Learning with Mind Mapping
Inspiring Learning with Mind Mapping
In this PRO webinar, Khady will share how her own learning was inspired at a mind mapping workshop in Paris, how she applied that learning to help children (grade 5-8) use mind mapping to enable their learning, and applied mind mapping to help plan lessons and teach. She will also share how mind mapping has been the key to learning eight languages so that she can communicate and connect with people across the world!
Speaker: Khady Ndoye
Mind Mapping for Students
Mind Mapping for Students
With exam season around the corner, this webinar will share some ways that mind mapping can help students of all ages with their studying, and exam preparation! Liam Hughes is the Founder of Biggerplate, and will be sharing his experiences of encountering mind mapping at University, and how this led to the creation of Biggerplate back in 2006! We'll look at how mind mapping can help with note-taking, sense making, and knowledge building. We'll also look at ways to use mind mapping to help with research and preparation of written assignments.
Speaker: Liam Hughes
Plan, Design, and Manage Course Content with Mind Maps
Plan, Design, and Manage Course Content with Mind Maps
In this webinar, Jim Franklin will share best practices and lessons learned in creating an online course for Project Management. Discover how to use mind mapping techniques to plan, design, and manage content creation.
Speaker: Jim Franklin
Building Effective Professional Learning with Mind Maps
Building Effective Professional Learning with Mind Maps
In this Business Club webinar, Jeffrey Ritter will show how professional learning can be improved using instructional design and mind mapping approaches.
Speaker: Jeffrey Ritter

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On-Demand: Business Strategy

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Mind Maps for Strategic Planning and Execution
Mind Maps for Strategic Planning and Execution
In this exclusive Business Club webinar, Brian Sodl (Navigator Management Partners) will show you how mind maps can be used to develop a clear strategy and execution plan for the year ahead.
Speaker: Brian Sodl
Business Planning with Mind Maps
Business Planning with Mind Maps
This webinar will explore using mind maps as a powerful tool for creating and compiling business plans, connecting related business unit and department plans, and using the mind maps to monitor progress.
Speaker: Graham Hughes
Business modeling with the help of Mind Mapping
Business modeling with the help of Mind Mapping
In this webinar Hans Terhurne, Facilitator of Visual Thinking in the Netherlands, will tell and show us how he is using mind mapping in his daily work as facilitator. He will demonstrate activities like Scenario Mapping, Strategy Mapping, Business Model Canvas, Process Mapping and a few others, and how you can benefit from these strategies in your business.
Speaker: Hans Terhurne
Effective SWOT Analysis with Mind Maps
Effective SWOT Analysis with Mind Maps
This Business Club webinar will demonstrate how mind mapping can be used to facilitate an effective analysis of your business strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
Speaker: Liam Hughes
Strategy Mind Mapping: Visualising the Winners Cycle
Strategy Mind Mapping: Visualising the Winners Cycle
Martijn Lofvers will talk us through strategy mind mapping used in Supply Chain Management and how this network can make use of best practices – such as innovative mind maps, subway maps and self-assessment tools.
Speaker: Martijn Lofvers
Mapping For Results - Business Architecture and Strategy
Mapping For Results - Business Architecture and Strategy
Join experienced PMP John Rogers (Prismatics Consulting Services) for n introduction to business modeling and strategy through the use of mind mapping to support facilitated conversations with senior leadership. John will also introduce the use and generation of business model canvases with specific mind map software.
Speaker: John Rogers
Mind Mapping Vision to Action Integration
Mind Mapping Vision to Action Integration
Mind Maps are great for brainstorming and visualizing an idea and creating the definition of a project. However, the challenge is how to transition that to an actionable set of tasks, and share and control those with a wider team. Stuart will illustrate how to achieve the seamless transition from vision to project oversight and task/people management. He will use an example to show how easily this can be achieved with iMindMap and Droptask.
Speaker: Stuart Miller
Strategic Planning with Mind Maps
Strategic Planning with Mind Maps
Brian will show how he introduces mind mapping to clients before a strategic planning session. He will explore some of the strategic planning scenarios he encounters and the essential elements of a clear strategy. He will share a strategic planning model, how to engage with clients to complete the plan and use mind maps to share, educate and collaborate with people to inspire engagement. He will offer insights into how to use mind map dashboards and performance management for successful execution.
Speaker: Brian Clark

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On-Demand: Sales & Marketing

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Mind Mapping for Marketers
Mind Mapping for Marketers
This webinar explores the three most important uses of mind maps for marketers and shows why collaborative mind mapping should be a cornerstone of every marketing team’s creative process. Using a number of map examples taken from real life, Raphaela will explain how her team plans content, manages knowledge, and turns ideas into fully-fledged strategies that have the power to change the course of her company’s business.
Speaker: Raphaela Brandner
Mind Mapping for Key Account Planning
Mind Mapping for Key Account Planning
A key account plan is essential to identify opportunities, improve client relationships, grow revenue, create value and reduce risk. A key account plan is your compass. It’s the map that shows where your client is today, where they want to be tomorrow – and how you’re going to get there. But the reality is most of us are too busy in the daily grind to give account planning the attention it deserves. In this webinar Warwick will show a simple 7-step process using mind maps to create key account plans that make an impact.
Speaker: Warwick Brown
Mind Mapping for Account Management
Mind Mapping for Account Management
This webinar will help sales professionals or entrepreneurs understand how to use mind maps for Account Planning in a business-to-business sales context. The webinar will help participants understand the concepts (with examples) that are required for account planning with mind maps. There will also be other resources (e-book) made available to support the application of the concepts in different businesses.
Speaker: Suleiman Shaibu
Mind Mapping for Online Freelancers
Mind Mapping for Online Freelancers
Adrienne will explore how mind mapping is a key tool in building a successful freelance business. This webinar will be equally valuable for both aspiring and established online freelancers. Adrienne will illustrate how she uses mind maps to enable the many facets of a freelancer’s business, including creating clarity and inspiring action.
Speaker: Adrienne Luedeking
Sales Prospecting: From Ideation to Customer Access
Sales Prospecting: From Ideation to Customer Access
This webinar will explore the benefits of mind mapping in sales prospecting from ideation to customer access, showing the streamlining and efficiency of using mind mapping as a workflow enabler
Speaker: Tony Hackett
Mind Mapping your Customer Referral Strategy
Mind Mapping your Customer Referral Strategy
What if you could get more than 50% of your clients through referrals? Dimitris will share the basic principles of referral marketing, and how to use mind maps to do a systematic review of the customer journey to identify when, where and how to ask for (and get) referrals.
Speaker: Dimitris Bronowski

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On-Demand: Creative Thinking

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Mind Mapping for Design Thinking
Mind Mapping for Design Thinking
Dr Marco Ossani demonstrates how mind mapping can assist in the critical thinking required for Design Thinking.
Speaker: Marco Ossani
Brainstorming & Problem Solving with Mind Maps
Brainstorming & Problem Solving with Mind Maps
Creative and strategic thinking expert Jayne Cormie shares tips and techniques to help you improve your brainstorming and problem solving processes using mind mapping tools and techniques.
Speaker: Jayne Cormie
Creating Impactful Stories Using Mind Maps
Creating Impactful Stories Using Mind Maps
Nicky Meijer (GriDD) shares a successful method using the power of Mind Maps to capture information in a structured yet flexible way and combine this with a visual Effective Story Canvas.
Speaker: Nicky Meijer

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