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You might assume that unless you become a professional florist, wholesale flowers are out of your reach. Lucky for DIY florists across the country, Blooms by the Box turns that assumption on its head. Our website is chock-full of absolutely beautiful and wonderfully fresh flowers available at unbeatable wholesale prices to help you stick to a budget. This means that you can save on just about any flowers you have in mind for your big event without sacrificing quality or quantity. Think how easy it would be to simply order flowers by the box, the bunch or the stem for your wedding or another special occasion and have them delivered straight to your door without a middle man. With Blooms by the Box, it only takes a few minutes to place your order, select same-day shipping and get your flowers delivered directly to you the very next day. The DIY movement has taken weddings, birthdays and special occasions by storm, and that is in large part thanks to companies such as Blooms by the Box. Our commitment to high quality flowers at attainable prices helps DIY enthusiasts to feel confident in their creations and allows them to explore their wildest dreams without fear of going over budget.

Blooms by the Box puts the power back in your hands to let you create exactly what you want at a fraction of the cost. With our wholesale flowers and wide selection of flower arrangement tools and accessories, the low prices you see here let you create flower arrangements that are much more lush and beautiful without going over budget. As an added benefit, you get total creative control over the final look, which is a popular feature for today's DIY-savvy brides. If you're not completely confident about your flower arrangement abilities, we're here to help with that, too; we offer a number of helpful tutorials that simplify the process of putting together centerpieces, bouquets and other arrangements. Blooms by the Box also has flower packs that come with complementary flower styles and colors so you know you're getting a cohesive look for your event.

If you want wholesale flowers for a wedding, a birthday, a fundraiser or another type of celebration, check out our selection at Blooms by the Box. We have classic options like lilies, daisies and roses along with unique options like asters, anemones and tropical flowers. Plus, you'll find succulents, fillers and greenery that can be incorporated with your colorful flower choices, all for incredibly affordable wholesale prices.

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