Official Website of Hornell, New York
The City of Hornell is pleased to announce our Hometown Hero Banner program. Each individual banner will be to honor a specific “Hometown Hero” who has served or is currently serving our country. The red, white, and blue banners will feature the name of the service person, their branch of service, era of service and a service photo of the veteran or service member. The banner will be the same design on both sides.
The Hometown Heroes Banners will be displayed on the downtown streets in Hornell from Memorial Day through Veterans’ Day. All banners will be placed randomly. We cannot accommodate placement requests at this time. The cost of each banner is $200. For an application click here.
Please make checks payable to City of Hornell. Mail or hand deliver completed application, photo, and payment to Mayor’s Office, City of Hornell, 82 Main St., PO Box 627, Hornell, NY 14843. Applications may be dropped off Monday-Friday 8:30am-3:30pm. Please be sure that photos are labeled with the service person’s name.
In October 2019, the City of Hornell was selected as the Southern Tier recipient of the Round IV $10 million Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) grant. The DRI is a statewide initiative that provides funding for transformative projects designed to enhance local economies and serve as catalysts for additional investment. Stay up to date on what's happening with the DRI here.
The City of Hornell is accepting applications for summer employment
The City of Hornell is now accepting applications for summer employment in our Parks and Recreation Program and our Department of Public Works. If you are interested in working in either of these areas this summer make sure to get your application in now. Please email
[email protected] to request a digital application, or stop into City Hall during regular business hours to pick up an application in person. Applicants must be at least 16 years old (DPW employees must be at least 18 years old) and shall reside within a fifteen-mile radius of the City of Hornell's boundaries. Applications must be turned in to the City Clerk by March 24, 2025.
The City of Hornell is accepting applications for the position of Crossing Guard
For more information and an application please contact Jennifer McLaughlin at the Hornell Police Department 607-324-2860. Or the the City Clerk's Office, 82 Main St., Hornell, NY or call 607-324-7421.
The City of Hornell is considering the submission of an application for funding for a housing rehabilitation program, to be available to owner-occupants of single family homes within the City of Hornell.
The City of Hornell would like to remind all city residents that putting leaves, grass or snow in the road is illegal. Residents are encouraged to keep areas clean from debris, to allow for effective drainage. Please place bagged leaves at the curb for pickup.
What: Board of Public Safety Meeting
When: March 13, 2025 9:00 AM
Where: City Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room
Why: Monthly Meeting
What: Board of Public Works Meeting
When: March 20, 2025 10:00 AM
Where: City Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room
Why: Monthly Meeting
What: Common Council Meeting
When: March 17, 2025 7:00 PM
Where: City Hall, Council Chambers
Why: Monthly Meeting
What: Public Hearings
When: March 24, 2025 6:00 PM
Where: City Hall, Council Chambers
Why: Tax Cap Override, Water Budget & General Fund Budget
Non-emergency Fire Department: 324-2410
Code Enforcement : 607-324-7421
Crime Hotline : 607-324-7200
Mayor’s Office: 607-324-7421
City Court : 607-590-3314
Hornell Area Transit : 607-324-7910
82 Main Street, PO Box 627
Hornell, NY 14843
Fax: 607-324-3150
Office Hours
Sep-May : 8-4PM
June-Aug : 8:30 - 4PM
Sat-Sun, Closed
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82 Main Street, PO Box 627
Hornell, NY 14843
Fax: 607-324-3150
Office Hours
Sep-May : 8-4PM
June-Aug : 8:30 - 4PM
Sat-Sun, Closed
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