Nominate Computer Society Leaders
Nomination Process
The IEEE Computer Society Nominations Committee seeks candidates for important volunteer leader positions: President-Elect, Vice President, and Board of Governors members. Self-nominations are encouraged. Completed nomination forms for 2026 leadership positions may be submitted either as a Word Document to [email protected] or via a Google Form. Nominations are due no later than Monday, 10 March 2025 at 5:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)/21:00 UTC. Nominations received after this date/time will not be accepted.
Computing is integral in every aspect of our society, and more now than ever, computing is facing a landscape of challenges and opportunities with the potential for true societal-scale impact. The Computer Society’s annual election is an opportunity to augment your impact on the profession.
The Computer Society is a global organization whose activities are supporting the technical advances that are shaping all of our daily lives. A leadership position as a member of the Board of Governors, or as VP or President, provides a platform for engagement across that large body of work. Our elected leadership works to provide strategic direction, start impactful new activities, and ensure the Society is working in important and compelling areas.
We take our mission to serve the entire computing profession seriously. But we can’t do this without the commitment and perspective of many members and volunteers. Will you help us and add your voice to the conversation?
Duties and Responsibilities
The Computer Society’s governance documents include descriptions of the duties and responsibilities for all elected positions.
Term: Three years in total: one year as President-Elect, one year as President and one year as Past President. The candidate elected in 2025 will serve as 2026 President-Elect, 2027 President, and 2028 Past President. An individual cannot be elected as President-Elect more than once.
Requirements: Graduate Student Member grade or higher in IEEE, and must have been a Computer Society member for the preceding three years.
Position Responsibilities: The IEEE Computer Society President, under the direction of the Board of Governors, is responsible for general supervision of the affairs of the Computer Society. The President sets and directs achievement of overall Computer Society objectives and provides leadership and direction for officers and Computer Society programs.
The President serves as the chief elected officer of the Computer Society and chairs the Board of Governors and Executive Committee. The President appoints the Executive Committee members with the consent of the Board and appoints standing committee chairs and representatives to affiliated organizations.
The President serves as a voting member of the Constitution & Bylaws Committee and Finance Committee. The President serves as a non-voting member of the five Computer Society program boards, the Diversity & Inclusion Committee and the History Committee.
The President represents the Society to the IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB) and is a voting member of TAB.
As 2026 President-Elect, the individual will serve as chair of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee and as a voting member of the Finance Committee.
As 2028 Past President, the individual will serve as chair of the Nominations Committee, and as a voting member of the Constitution & Bylaws Committee and Finance Committee.
(For further information, see Constitution Article IV Officers, Bylaws Article II Nominations and Elections Section 6 Officer Nominations, Bylaws Article V Powers and Duties Sections 1-3 Presidential, Past President and President-Elect Duties, Policies & Procedures Manual Sections 5.1 – 5.3 President, President-Elect, Past President.)
Term: Elected annually for a one-year term. The candidate elected in 2025 will serve from 1 January to 31 December 2026. An elected Vice President may not be elected to a fifth year as an elected Vice President.
Requirements: Graduate Student Member grade or higher in IEEE and been a Computer Society member for the preceding three years. Each vice president nominee must affirm willingness and availability to serve.
Position Responsibilities: The Vice President acts for the President in the absence or incapacity of both the President and President-elect. The Vice President is a voting member of the Board of Governors and the Executive Committee. The Vice President assumes duties as assigned by the President and executes a portfolio as assigned by the President to ensure achievement of objectives and attention to major issues and purposes. The Vice President provides counsel and assistance to the President and other volunteer leaders, as well as leadership and direction for officers and Society programs.
(For further information, see Constitution Article IV Executive Committee, Bylaws Article II Nominations and Elections Section 6 Officer Nominations, Bylaws Article V Powers and Duties Section 4 Board of Governors, and, Policies & Procedures Manual Section 5.4 Vice President.)
Term: Six members elected annually for a three-year term. Candidates elected in 2025 will serve from 1 January 2026 until 31 December 2028. A Board member cannot be elected to a third full consecutive term.
Requirements: Must be a Computer Society member. Each Board of Governors nominee must affirm willingness and availability to serve, and must agree to seek significant involvement in Society activities.
Position Responsibilities: The Computer Society is governed by the Board of Governors. The Board is responsible for providing guidance, at the policy level, to all the organizational entities with the Society. The Board sets directions and strategy for the Society, and reviews the performance of the program boards and other committees to assure compliance with its policy directions.
(For further information, see Constitution Article III Board of Governors, Bylaws Article II Nominations and Elections Section 6 Officer Nominations, Bylaws Article III Board of Governors, Policies & Procedures Manual Section 3 Board of Governors.)
Open IEEE Officer Positions
Available IEEE officer positions are listed below:
- Call for Nominations for the 2026 IEEE Division Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect – Deadline 15 August