Make Ligo Sardines in Dishes of Filipino Families for the Christmas Season

Christmas 2018 is just a few days away! How time flies indeed during this festive holiday season and it has been busy days since holiday season kicked in last November.

We have been thinking of what’s easy to prepare for noche buena or our advance family get-together this weekend for Christmas with what we have in the house this time. As I went through my canned goods supply, I found we have many Ligo products in store. I bought many of these lately since I have been craving for sardines omelette quite a few times over the recent weeks. It makes me eat rice more though coz it really perks up my appetite even my little guy who is actually quite choosy with food and not much of a eater this year unless he really likes the viand. I have found just like me that when we cook omelette using Ligo Sardines especially the red labeled one – with chili added variant, he gets to eat more too during our meals at home.

Ligo Sardines in tomato sauce & Ligo Sardines in tomato sauce chili added

Since it is Christmas season, this year we are making Ligo Sardines part of the “STAPLE FOR THE CHRISTMAS SEASON” and maybe even beyond the season, we can prepare many home made dishes using the brand product we have grown to love.

The festive season calls for a wide, varied spread that will not be complete without Ligo Sardines. Here are two recipes using Ligo Sardines for the holidays that I promise is so easy to prepare and make.

Cheesy Shell Pasta with Ligo Sardines topped with Basil


1 can of 155 grams Ligo Sardines in tomato sauce (green)
1 pack Prima Shell pasta cooked
Basil leaves for garnish/topping

Cook shell pasta according to cooking instructions on the packaging. I used Prima shell pasta and cooked it for 8-10 minutes.  Crush or mash the Ligo sardines without the tomato sauce in a separate bowl. Add the mild cheese spread. You may opt instead for mayonnaise and grated cheddar cheese or any cheese of your preference. Then add this mix to the cooked shell pasta. You can use any other pasta you prefer. Top with basil leaves.

Ligo Sardines shell pasta with basil IMG_201812_171124This was a hot with my two boys. My dear little guy loved it! Hubby appreciated it and we’re making this part of our

Sardines Spaghetti


1 can of 155 grams Ligo Sardines in tomato sauce chili added (red)
Spaghetti pasta cooked per label instructions
Basil leaves
Sliced green olives

Cook pasta in a pan of boiling water until tender. Drain and place in a bowl. Crush the Ligo sardines in tomato sauce using a fork until properly mixed in a separate bowl or container. Pour it over the pasta and mix well.  Top with grated cheese, basil leaves and sliced green olives (optional). Viola!

Ligo Sardines spaghetti with basil and olives IMG_201812 _155837 You can add other toppings depending on your preference. I made another bowl where I added condensed milk or you may use mild cheese spread in a pack instead of grated cheddar cheese. I enjoyed this dish simply with no topping.  I guess there comes a time that you opt simple dishes as long as you share it with your loved ones this Christmas.

I will be thinking of other dishes to make with Ligo Sardines. If you have any idea, I would love to have you share it with us! I guess more and more mommies like me are opting for healthier options to add to their usual pasta dishes for noche buena or family meal gatherings this holiday season.

Enjoy the holidays!  Have a blessed Christmas and a healthier new year for all of us!  Eat well and choose healthy eats this holiday season!

God bless us all!

  1. Karen Reply
  2. Christine Reply
  3. Mary Jean Reply

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