Category: Tonner

Rufus Rutter Tonner Doll – A Friend For Ellowyne Wilde
Meet Rufus Rutter, my new doll from Wilde Imagination. I bought him from eBay naked. Probably the seller sold his clothes in another auction. I wanted the Unrequited version of the Rufus collection and he’s discontinued so I had to buy him on the secondary market. It took a while for him to show up […]

Ellowyne Wilde Has New Fashions
As promised today I changed Ellowyne from her long morbid black gown into one of the outfits I bought for her. This one is Bay Breeze. It’s a complete ensemble that I got at the IDEX doll show. It was my first and last IDEX show because a few weeks ago I got a letter […]

Ellowyne Grand Despair Doll From Tonner
I’m a huge fan of Robert Tonner Dolls. In particular the Ellowyne Wilde and Evangeline Ghastly collections. I wrote an article about my Ellowyne Wilde Grand Despair Doll on Wizzley. You can click that link to read all about her. She’s from 2012. There’s a Grand Despair 2 model that was released in 2013 with […]

LittleMissMatched Sporty Girl Doll
Here’s my Sporty Girl doll. I bought her on clearance at Toys r Us. A doll collector friend emailed me with an alert that she had seen a couple of LittleMissMatched dolls at one of the Toys r Us stores way across town. Of course I immediately packed up and dashed over. These dolls have […]

LittleMissMatched Artsy Girl Doll
This is LittleMissMatched Artsy Girl. I bought her from an eBay seller. She had all of her accessories but was not in a box. Like the other LittleMissMatched Tonner Toys play dolls she stands 15 1/4″ tall. These dolls don’t come with a stand but they have flat feet so they easily stand up on […]

LittleMissMatched Dolls From Tonner Doll Company
Sporty Girl, Uptown Girl, Rock n Roll Girl, and Artsy Girl. They are 15 ¼ inch vinyl fashion dolls for young doll collectors. Play dolls made by Tonner. They captured my attention because 1) Tonner had not made a play doll in a long time, I think since the Magic Attic dolls in the 1990s […]