Now that I'm playing with DX on 80m I need a simple display which shows me at the very least:
There are commercial geo clock solutions such as Geochron , but as a programmer with spare 4k monitors and computers I decided to write my own, that way I have exactly what I want.
This is a rewrite of a previous project, this program:
As time permits the program will be updated, I have a few interesting ideas in the pipeline.
Time Offset
With the time offset you easily select any time in the past or future, the greyline / sunrise / sunset honour this offset. A simple way to see what the greyline will be like for DX planning.
Full support for the ERC Mini, ERC V4 and all Yaesu GS232A/GS232B rotators.
The only format supported is Equirectangular projection .
The program uses the Explorer Base Map, higher resolution downloads are available here. If the link is broken just search for 'NASA Visible Earth, Explorer base Map'. The highest resolution TIFF format (0.1 degree) can be opened with this program, great for zooming!
The program includes three resized Natural Earth maps which have been resized to 4k or slightly less. Higher-resolution files scale better when a Zoom is applied, but you may have problems loading them, especially on older computers running 32-bit versions of Windows (see Errors below).
Click on a link below to download the image to your computer, then select the image (Ribbon bar, Map, Select). Only jpg and tiff format images are supported.
Rotator support was added to initially support just the ERC-Mini DX which is used at World Map HQ to interface with Yaesu G-1000 DXC rotators. World Map users then requested extended support, so now the list is:
Serial port:
The implementation is basic, once connected the map is updated with the rotator's current azimuth position. To change the bearing press the keyboard Shift button and click on the map.
With version 1.2.1 you can add an unlimited number of preset definitions, these are added as buttons on the ribbon bar.
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