See what it’s like to be a Navy SEAL through www.extremesealexperience.com. Trainees learn marksmanship on eleven different weapon systems, as well as fastrope, rappel, helo sniping, and various climbing techniques. They also receive training in tactics and close Quarter combat.
Extreme SEAL Experience has been featured on the Today Show, ABC Nightline, ABC 20/20, Good Morning America, CBS Inside Edition x 4, Travel Channel x 2, Discovery Channel, History Channel, Future Weapons, Fox and Friends, Washingtonian Magazine, Fox News 5, Fox News Business and DOZENS of other Radio and TV shows around the World.
Follow the classes on Facebook with daily pictures posted HERE
EXTREME SEAL EXPERIENCE has closed it’s doors after 10 GREAT seasons. I’m getting too old and not getting any better looking. THANKS for the many years of support and the over 3000 men who attended training here...
But I’m still verifying Fake Navy SEAL Claims http://www.extremesealexperience.com/Fake-Navy-Seal-Verification
Don Shipley
NAVY SEAL TRAINING for Civilians...
As a retired Navy SEAL of 24-years service, I train, direct, supervise, and I’m responsible for every aspect of the Navy SEAL BUD/S Preparation Training conducted here.
All my friends are Navy SEALs, family members are Navy SEALs, all our Training Instructors are Navy SEALs, and when you get through BUDS Training in the Navy, you’ll be stationed in San Diego or "here" in Norfolk, Virginia at a SEAL Team.
I work my ASS OFF to show you guys, younger or older, what Navy SEAL BUDS Training and all US Military Special Forces training programs are like.
I keep the prices as LOW as possible, and provide BUD/S Preparation Training here that is only second to actual SEAL Training in the Navy.
Guys come here to better themselves through adversity, they come here to WIN. Nobody pays for a course to lose or feel bad about themselves, nobody comes here to take last place, get embarrassed, or be humiliated.
There is NEVER a good reason to lower someone’s self-esteem or confidence.
There is NEVER a good reason to destroy someone s dreams.
Running a ’Proper’ training course requires skill, YEARS of experience, and die-hard motivation to get it right and show guys what SEAL Training in the Navy is really like.
I’ll show you what Special Forces Training is like and you’ll have a HOOT...
Don Shipley BUD/S 131, SEAL Team ONE, SEAL Team TWO.
Navy SEAL Training
BUDS Training
Navy SEAL Training conducted here is for "ANYONE." Cops attend our Navy SEAL Training, Teachers attend our Navy SEAL Training, Doctors and Fathers attend our Navy SEAL Training, and our goal is to better each man and get some Fire Breathing, Pipe Swinging Bad-asses through BUDS Training to become Navy SEALs!
Want to be a Navy SEAL? Fine...
Don’t want to be a Navy SEAL. Fine...
Don’t want anything to do with the Military. Fine...
Want to become a Marine, Ranger, Special Forces, Para Rescue, SAS. GREAT...
Why do guys come here for Navy SEAL Training? Because they need a Challenge and to get the EDGE you can’t find in a book or a tape. Here you learn it by doing it, and you do it through ADVERSITY, you learn why so many guys fail SEAL Training in the Navy!
What do they get? A powerful new outlook, a fresh mind-set, and graduates leave ready to conquer life’s toughest Challenges.
They learn that no matter the obstacle in front of them, no matter the wall they face, they go over, under, around. They fight and fight hard for everything. Nothing can stop you, except you!
You only have so much time on the Planet. You might as well "Kick Some Major Ass" while you’re around.
Guys have attended training here from Canada, Ireland, Norway, Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, Greece, South Africa, Italy, Indonesia, Ukraine, the Netherlands, El Salvador, Guatemala, Austria, Honduras, Germany, China, Panama, Brazil, Switzerland, Denmark, Czech Republic, Singapore, Hong Kong, Lithuania, France, Mexico, Belize, Japan and Malaysia.
Do you have the Balls?
Our Navy SEAL Training Courses are a Civilian Military SEAL Challenge and Ultimate Military Training Adventure run by all veteran Navy SEALs that last seven or fourteen days and are ALL-INCLUSIVE.
We take care of, and provide EVERYTHING...
Our "SEAL Advanced Course," basic entry level course, is seven days long and includes "Hell Night" on the first training day. The objective of Hell Night is to build Confidence and Teamwork. A demanding, grueling, 24-hours, there is something inside all of us, something very deep, it’s a side of yourself that you never knew existed.
We show you that side, your finest, your best, and you’ll always be able to call on it after Hell Night here. It’s up to you, and only you. That’s what we teach here, we show you your Kick Ass side!
The Advanced Course, our "Basic" course includes Hell Night, "Pool Work" for Drown-Proofing, Underwater Knot Tying, Breath Holding, and perfecting the Combat Side Stroke. Training in Tactics, Close Quarter Combat, Patrolling, Survival, Combat Weapons Marksmanship, Rappelling, and Fastroping.
Seven days; arrive Saturday and leave the following Saturday. Everything included; lodging, meals, equipment, bullets, and helicopter work.
Our "SEAL Advanced Operator Training" course, is seven days and 180 degrees different from the SEAL Advanced Course. SEAL Advanced Operator (AOT) includes Long Range Zodiac Boat Navigation, Advanced Training in Tactics, Advanced Close Quarter Combat, Advanced Combat Weapons Training, and more advanced training in Rappelling and Fastroping.
A very tough seven days; Trainees arrive on Saturday after the Advanced Course ends and leave the following Saturday. Everything included; lodging, meals, equipment, bullets. Everything...
COURSE PRICES... http://www.extremesealexperience.com/Training-Course-Prices
Our courses are for guys who want an edge. No need to be a superman, just be a team player.
Travel to Norfolk, Virginia and experience extreme challenges that will begin to change your life in the first five minutes. You stay at our cabin; we feed you like a fat man, everything is provided, just bring some recommended gear and a game face. We take care of everything else! See "Gear List for Training."
This experience will show you the training it takes to make SEALs and how they use extreme self-motivation to push past mental blocks achieve mission success. This training will make you take a hard look inside yourself.
This training is for anyone whether your goal is to become a SEAL or you just can’t watch another Reality Show on the tube.
Our courses are about bettering yourself no matter what you do in life. To succeed at anything, to really succeed, no matter what obstacle you face, you need incredible drive and motivation. There is one way to learn those; from the guys who have survived the "Toughest Military Training in the World."
You’ll get it here, from us, from the best.
Now shut those soup coolers and get signed up!!!
Senior chief,
When I went to your class I wasn’t sure what to expect. But you gave me the mental drive to follow my dream. When I attended ESE I weighed 230 with a max pushups of 48, sit-ups of 52, and pull-ups of 6. I have been nonstop training since then. Now I weigh 158, with a swim time of 8:06, pushups 94, sit ups 91, pull-ups 21 and an 8:45 1.5 mile run time. I found out today that out of the draft they started for seal candidates that I was selected for a contract. I just wanted to thank you for helping my find myself. I’m motivated, determined, and I will not quit. None if this I feel wouldn’t have been possible of I didn’t go to ESE last year. I have totally changed as a person with a whole new mind set.
Thank you very much. Hooyah. Cory
Cory graduated BUD/S Training and is an Active Duty SEAL today.