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I’m a Design Strategist

Developing products, platforms + experiences


Some brands i’ve worked with:


Defining a future worth making (brand strategy + positioning + brand architecture + product concepts)

Starbucks I Inspiring a new category of energy drinks

Starbucks I Inspiring a new category of energy drinks

WindowsPhone | Bringing a Brand Idea to Life

Target up&up I Developing a line-extension

Microsoft | Enhancing Everyone’s Potential


Developing compelling ideas that inform design (design research, user journey, UX, design guidelines)

Blacture | Re-Imagining the news for a new generation

DesignHotels I Re-defining a brand experience

NASCAR | Defining the next generation of fans

MapQuest | Making Maps Human


Expressing compelling offers in disruptive ways (Messaging, Channel Strategy, Events)

Showtime | Launch The Next Hit Drama

Disney | Defining magic as a business tool

ZetaChain | Making a tech company a consumer facing brand

Delta | Making the Undesirable Desirable

American Express I Defining the next chapter for business

American Express I Defining the next chapter for business

The rest of the day

Prototyping, coding and collaborating with makers

Tana | A laptop stand designed for small spaces

Cura I A custom built moped

Cura I A custom built moped

Arrange I Making room for ideas

Arrange I Making room for ideas

Siduri I A coaster that expedites bill pay

Extension I Creating a personal touch for loose items

Extension I Creating a personal touch for loose items

Lift I Making small spaces feel big

Lift I Making small spaces feel big

PenPal |Jump Starting the Creative Process

PillowLite | A travel pillow with integrated LED reading lights

Palette I Creating new food mythologies

Palette I Creating new food mythologies

Sheet Seat I Creating duel purpose home goods

Sheet Seat I Creating duel purpose home goods

LiteBox I An bedside lamp

LiteBox I An bedside lamp

Base I A portable laptop stand

Base I A portable laptop stand