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Microsoft wanted help to developing a consistent consumer facing brand. There were no shared elements across individual lines of business. The goal was to create an innovative identity strategy that could work for individual brands and create symmetry across the portfolio.


An intensive competitive audit supplemented by stakeholder interviews revealed that Microsoft had an overlapping footprint and conflicting brand assets that did not later up to the Microsoft brand.


The development of an experience architecture and a brand mission that enhances everyone's potential.


A deep dive into the brand architecture of Microsoft revealed that their consumer-facing assets were confusing to customers and needed clarity.

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Microsoft needed an experience architecture that was clear for consumers and efficient for Microsoft to manage.

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A vision for the Microsoft story that enabled the development of new products and services with clear consumer-facing benefits. The Microsoft experience was defined by what consumers do and where they do it.

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Interviews and workshop sessions with senior leadership within various business units within Microsoft revealed that each group were using similar technology but branding them in their own way. The strategy called for the development of a unifying design language that familiar, integrated and worked virtually across Microsoft platforms.