Take A Stand To End Gun Violence + A Letter From Our Co-Founder

Dear Milkshake readers,
We founded Milkshake five years ago to promote “all that’s good.” We created a space where we could promote positive people, products, and ideas. We need to use this platform to make a real change. We need to fight for better gun control.
On September 29th, another shooting occurred in a public space (a space that should be safe) in which a single gunman targeted innocent students at Oregon’s Umpqua Community College. Like many of our readers, we watched in horror as the news unfolded. Ten were killed and numerous others were injured. It was tragic, but not unavoidable.
It’s no longer enough for us to post to Facebook and hope for the best. As Obama said in the aftermath of the violence, our “thoughts and prayers” are not enough. We can’t wait for things to change and think positive. We have to be a force for change, especially when it comes to this disturbing and horrific topic.
School shootings—and shootings at gyms, churches, malls, and other public places—are an American tragedy. It is sickening that this continues to happen, and it should sicken all of us. But again, being shocked and appalled isn’t enough. Being deeply moved isn’t enough.
Our laws are ever evolving and continually changing. We change our laws to make riding in a car safer: seatbelts. We change our laws to make our bodies healthier: no trans fats. We change our laws to make the environment safer: emission controls. Yet, we go through tragedies like Columbine, Blacksburg, Salt Lake City, Newtown, Aurora, Charleston, and Oregon over and over again. This hasn’t happened once or twice. It is not enough to shrug and say “stuff happens,” as presidential hopeful Jeb Bush did on Friday. That response is toxic and it makes us complicit.
We can’t let this happen again. We need to wake up. We need to prevent gun violence. We need to keep weapons from being purchased and wielded by the wrong people.
We believe in the second amendment and the right of the people keep and bear arms. However, that right is a privilege and should only be granted to those who earn and qualify for it. Our laws must ensure that we all are safe. Gun laws need to change to make that happen.So, the question is: How can we be agents of change? How can we work together to make our country a safer place for children, students, citizens, and refugees?
We don’t have all the answers, but we are determined to get them. We are committed here at Milkshake to identify, develop and promote passage of legislation designed to enhance gun safety. This is not a political issue. This is not a gender issue. This is an American issue that affects all of us. We hope you will join us and make our country safer and stronger. Here are a few things you can do to take action:
1. Join a State Affiliate. Every state has an organization working towards making gun laws safer. Find your state and join.
2. You may be invested in gun companies and not even know it. Visit Unload Your 401K to check, and then follow the steps to get your money out.
3. Call your elected representatives in Congress and tell them you support safety measures like background checks on all gun sales, a ban on military-style assault weapons on our streets, and a limit on high-capacity magazines.
4. Sign up for Ceasefire USA: The GVP Report. Stay up-to-date with the latest on gun violence prevention news, advocacy and research.
5. Become a single-issue voter. As President Obama noted this week, pro-NRA voters are often single-issue voters. We need to respond in kind. Before you vote for your state representative, find out where they stand on gun control. If they take money from the NRA, do not vote for them. If they are against gun control, do not vote for them. No matter how much you may like this politician or agree with them on other policies, do not vote for them. Tell them why. We need to make it known that we find gun violence unacceptable.
Amy Jurkowitz
Co-Founder, Milkshake