Easy Bruschetta

plated bruschetta with tomatoes, garlic and basil on garlic toast

Begin what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand and melting like a snowflake. – Sir Francis Bacon With sheltering-at-home and circuit breaker measures in place these past weeks, we got creative with using up every last bit of […]

Halloumi Egg Sandwich

details of sandwich with halloumi, egg, tomato, cucumber

When you have only 30 minutes for lunch, can’t order take-out and have to make do with what is left in the refrigerator…. There really isn’t much of by way of recipe. It is just a sandwich after all! But if you ever find yourself faced with a couple of inches of halloumi and several […]

10-minute Banana Dessert

Banana and coconut milk dessert

To all our frontline workers around the world: There is no greater sacrifice than the one you take on every day as you walk into the unknown, knowing what we know of the coronavirus, on behalf of all of us in the human race. Thank you for your unseen, unthanked, tireless work. We thank you. […]

Crispy Okra

It is our hope that this crisis that the whole world is facing together will unite us – that we forget our differences and stand together; that we be grateful for what we have and lend a hand to those who are wanting; that we never forget that we are one people, one world, one […]

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Friends are chocolate chips in the cookie of life ~ unknown August 4 is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day! If I had my way, there would be a Chocolate Chip Cookie Day once a month. Won’t do my health any good but hey, one can daydream. Ironically, I woke up this morning planning to bake […]

Colorful Pea Shoot Stir-Fry

Recipe for easy pea shoot stir fry

Spring: a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be ~ unknown Change.  A single syllable that has catalysed so much in ways big and small, globally and personally. With everything that is published on popular media these days, it is easy to forget how beautiful change can be. As we are now midway […]

6 Easy Chicken Curry Recipes for Every Mood

Felix Original Chicken Curry Noodles

Felix’s Original Chicken Curry Laksa  This post was first published on YoRipe | Unleash Your Kitchen. Delivering over 1500 personalized Asian recipes based your diet goals and limitations, YoRipe is now offering free next day delivery grocery baskets with recipes included. Learn more at YoRipe Cooking Basket.   If you live in South-East Asia, chances […]

Hearty Pork Stew

Pork Stew 20171213 (5)

These mountains that you are carrying, you were only supposed to climb. ~ Najwa Zebian A few weeks ago, winter officially set in with snow drifts and cold snaps across most of the Northern hemisphere. Here, hovering by the equator, I was trying to shed the pounds that has lovingly stuck onto me – stubborn […]

Tomato & Onion Scramble

Tomato Onion Scramble

There are years that ask questions, and years that answer. ~ Zora Neale Hurston ~ HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL, BOTH FAR AND NEAR – MAY YOUR DAYS BE FULL OF CHEER! KNOW PEACE AND JOY EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR WITH MUCH LAUGHTER AND WONDERMENT TO BEAR ! ~ Another year draws to a close […]