The New York Daily News used its Thursday cover to rail against John Boehner after the speaker pulled a Hurricane Sandy relief bill from the house floor earlier this week.
The move to put off the Sandy aid bill vote till after fiscal cliff negotiations enraged New York and New Jersey politicians. Speaking of the decision, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said, "There's only one group to blame ... the House majority, and their Speaker, John Boehner." Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) urged local residents to cease donating to House Republicans. "Because what they did last night was put a knife in the back of New Yorkers and New Jerseyans. It was an absolute disgrace," he said in an interview with Fox News.
The Daily News seemed to visually interpret King's comments. On its Thursday cover, the paper used an image of the Statue of Liberty violently stabbed in the back. Below, a photo of Boehner appeared next to the headline, "N.Y. pols blast Sandy betrayer Boehner."
Amidst backlash, Boehner rescheduled the Sandy relief bill vote for Friday. King appeared on "Today" Thursday morning and walked back his comments. "John [Boehner] is a voice of reason, despite some of the things I said yesterday," he said. "What a difference a day makes," Matt Lauer said.
(h/t Business Insider)