Two favored "Star Trek" characters take center stage in these new "Star Trek Into Darkness" character posters, debuting exclusively here at HuffPost Entertainment and on our sister site, Moviefone.
First up is Scotty (played by Simon Pegg), chief engineer on the Starship Enterprise and audience surrogate. (You'll recall his one-liner in "Star Trek": "I like this ship! You know, it's exciting.") Call this character poster Scotty giving it all he's got:
Next is Chekov (played by Anton Yelchin), the young navigator on the Enterprise. The new poster shows in his familiar seat on the ship's bridge. (Let's pay no attention to the fact that his Starfleet uniform is red.)
"Star Trek Into Darkness" is poised to be one of the summer's biggest releases. The film is a sequel to J.J. Abrams' "Star Trek," which grossed $385 million around the globe in 2009.
"Star Trek Into Darkness" is out in select IMAX theaters on May 15 and opens nationwide on May 17. For more information on J.J. Abrams' newest film, follow the official "Star Trek" movie Facebook page and Twitter account.