We've created THE WORLD'S GREATEST Ice Cream Sundae

It starts with 80 scoops of ice cream and a full can of whipped cream...
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Sometimes ice cream shops have a "Kitchen Sink" on their menu, where they put 5-10 scoops of ice cream in a big bowl, throw some whipped cream on top, and try to bill it as "The best ice cream treat ever!!!" Our sundae would eat that Kitchen Sink for breakfast, and then eat an actual kitchen sink, since it had so much space left.

80 scoops of ice cream arranged on a (non-used!) paint tray, a full can of whipped cream, cups upon cups of M&Ms, sprinkles, Oreos, nuts, caramel and chocolate sauce, Lucky Charms marshmallows, regular marshmallows, and a whole mess of full-sized candy bars. Made with the ice cream and help of Denver's Sweet Cow Ice Cream, this is The World's Greatest Sundae.


The calm before the storm. These scoops are about to be formed into a pyramid shape.


Go! Go! Go!


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