Welcome to the Contact page for You can contact us 24/7 365 days a year. You can use email, phone, skype/SMS, post in our forums, or write us a letter if you're old fashioned like that.
If you do send an email, please make sure to include a sane subject line (so SPAM filters don't filter it) your name, and any pertinent information, so we can respond. If we don't respond in 48 hours, please resend your message, chances are we missed it.
Phone: | 512.266.2399 | |
Fax: | 512.266.2399 |
Tech Support: | [email protected] | |
Sales: | [email protected] | |
Business Development: | [email protected] | |
Advertising: | [email protected] | |
Webmaster: | [email protected] | |
Off Server Backup Email: | [email protected] | |
Skype ID: | "iC0nstrux" |
Address: | Nurve Networks LLC 12724 Rush Creek Lane Austin, Texas 78732 USA |
NOTE:Please remember when emailing us to always request a read receipt to ensure we got your message. We pride ourselves on same-day customer response, but the high amount of spam and filtering on the internet today often leads to lost messages. If you still can't get through after emailing us with a read receipt, please try our off-server backup address for general support inquiries: