2025-03-06 | News
On March 3rd, Prof. Luc Taerwe, a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Belgium and the Director of East Asia Platform at Ghent University, visited the International Campus, Zhejiang University…
2025-03-06 | News
On March 3rd, Prof. Luc Taerwe, a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Belgium and the Director of East Asia Platform at Ghent University, visited the International Campus, Zhejiang University…
The 2025 International Campus Strategic Retreat Held
The 2025 International Campus Strategic Retreat was held in February to jointly explore directions and pathways for the next phase of the high-quality development of the International Campus and to…
CHEN Di's Team Publishes Collaborative Research in CELL, Uncovering a New Type of Tumor Mutation
Cancer, a disease that strikes fear into the hearts of countless people, is essentially a "genetic war" that occurs within the human body. The gradual accumulation of genetic mutations within cells…
Exploring Professor HU Huan's Personal Study Room
Episode 3: Exploring Professor HU Huan’s Personal Study Room
ZJE Aaron Irving's laboratory published a research article in Nature
Bats are the only mammals capable of powered flight, and as an evolutionary adaptation to the metabolic stress of flight they have developed a unique tolerance to stress. This links to their inherent…