
Find out what year you are!

1924     1936     1948     1960     1972     1984     1996     2008
1925     1937     1949     1961     1973     1985     1997     2009
1926     1938     1950     1962     1974     1986     1998     2010
1927     1939     1951     1963     1975     1987     1999     2011
1928     1940     1952     1964     1976     1988     2000     2012
1929     1941     1953     1965     1977     1989     2001     2013
1930     1942     1954     1966     1978     1990     2002     2014
1931     1943     1955     1967     1979     1991     2003     2015
1932     1944     1956     1968     1980     1992     2004     2016
1933     1945     1957     1969     1981     1993     2005     2017
1934     1946     1958     1970     1982     1994     2006     2018
1935     1947     1959     1971     1983     1995     2007     2019

Which signs are compatible in the Chinese zodiac?

The 3 animals which are evenly spaced from one another in the zodiac circle are generally considered to be good matches. Rat, Dragon and Monkey  ; Ox, Snake and Rooster  ; Tiger and Horse and Dog  ; Rabbit, Sheep and Pig  are suitable for one another. Matching symbols on the Zodiac chart indicate compatible signs.

The signs that are opposite each other in the Zodiac Circle chart are poor matches!
Generally a Rat and Horse; Ox and Goat; Tiger and Monkey; Rabbit and Rooster; Dragon and Dog; Snake and Pig will not get along with each other. These signs make poor partners in love and in business. Family members who have opposite signs may experience friction and disharmony in the home.

Each person is a combination of the sign of the year they are born in as well as influences of the time of day and the larger cycles of the zodiac. You may find that even though a person was born in a year that would seem to make you a poor match, the other influences that you share balance the ill effects of incompatible signs and make for a very good relationship — or cause problems in even the most compatible signs!
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