Select a Category to Begin
- American History
- Earth Science
- Geography
- Historical Figures
- Human Body
- Life Science
- Physical Science
- Space Science
- Technology
- World History
The Seeds of a New Nation
Founding the New England Colonies
Life in the New England Colonies
Founding the Middle Colonies
Colonial Town at a Glance
Life in the Middle Colonies
Founding the Southern Colonies
Life in the Southern Colonies
Highlights of 1776
Britain’s 13 American Colonies
Trouble Brewing: 1763–1775
Newsmakers of ’76
How Liberty Expressed Itself
Declaring Independence
Let Freedom Ring
Around the World in 1776
The First Americans
The Sea People of the Pacific Northwest
The Desert Dwellers of the Southwest
The Farmers of the Plains
The Wildlife
The People of the Forest
The Mound Builders of the Southeast
Clues to the Past
America’s Democracy
State and Local Governments
The Executive Branch
The Legislative Branch
The Judicial Branch
An American Symbol
Getting Elected
Rights and Responsibilities
Americans Revolt!
Important Events of the Revolution
A Soldier’s Life
Women and the Revolution
Reenactments of the Revolution
Portraits from the Revolution
After the Revolution
Pushes and Pulls
Early Firsts
Trouble Brewing
Mexican-American War
Bear Flag Revolt
Fast Track to Statehood
Connecting East and West
Towns and Cities of California
The Rise of Agriculture
Hard Times
The Rise of Industry: Oil, Auto, and Air
The Rise of Industry: High Tech and More
Defining Civil Rights
The Rise of Segregation
Birth of the Civil Rights Movement
The Early 1960s
Triumph and Tragedy in the Mid-1960s
Heroes of the Movement
The Movement’s Legacy
A Nation Divided
The Road to War
Sacrifice and Courage
Civil War Notables
The Home Front
In Story and Song
The Mayflower
What, Where, When, and Who Was Colonial America?
Plimoth Plantation Museum
Colonial Williamsburg
Colonial Kids
Hearth and Home
Colonial Merchants
What Is the Constitution?
The Constitutional Convention
Articles, Sections, and Clauses
To Ratify or Not to Ratify?
The Bill of Rights
Other Changes to the Constitution
The Supreme Court
Instant Diversity
Rights for All Californians
California Today and Tomorrow
New Links, More Growth
Another Wave of Immigrants
More Jobs, More Diversity
Effects of World War II
Colonial America
The Colonists Revolt
The Colonists Unite
Thomas Jefferson
Rights and Freedoms in the Declaration
The Fight for Freedom
The Declaration Today
The Turn of the Century
New Inventions
Cars and Cities
Social and Political Reforms
World War I
Post–World War I America
The Roaring ’20s
Looking West from Europe
New Spain
American Indians and Spanish Missionaries
The Virginia Colony
Pocahontas Saves John Smith
The Plymouth Colony
French Claims
Dutch Claims
Sweet Land of Plenty
Living Off the Land
Native Economies: Shopping the Eastern Woodlands
Life in an Iroquois Village
The Iroquois League
The Algonquians
Life in an Algonquian Village
An Iroquois Myth
Landing in America
Passing Inspection at Ellis Island
Not Passing Inspection at Ellis Island
Conditions Improve
Immigration Reform
Memories of Ellis Island
Ellis Island Today
The Backstory
The Technology
Conquistadors and More
Inside a Caravel
Explorers at a Glance
Later Explorers
A Changing World
Early Exploration
Lay of the Land
Seeds of Conflict
Native Americans: Caught in the Middle
Turning Point and Beyond
People and Practices of Note
After-Effects of the War
The Fight for the Ohio River Valley
California, Here We Come!
A Changing Population
A New Economy
Tools of the Trade
Staking a Claim
The Effects of the Gold Rush on People
The Effects of the Gold Rush on the Environment
The Stock Market Crash of 1929
How the Depression Affected People
The New Deal
Hard Times Persist
Dust Bowl
Life During the Depression
America’s Democracy
The Legislative Branch
The Executive Branch
The Judicial Branch
Checks and Balances
Getting Elected
Your Government at Work
Our National Identity
Stars & Stripes
Hall of Presidents
Ancient and Modern Migrations
A Nation of Immigrants
The Immigrant Experience
Today’s Immigrants
U.S. Immigration Since 1820
Meet Some Young Immigrants
Immigration Law
Immigrants Around the World
Jacob Riis and Lewis Hine
A World Without Machines
The Revolution Begins in Great Britain
Inventions and Improvements
The Revolution Reaches America
How the Revolution Affected People
Changes in Health and Hygiene
Continuing Changes Around the World
The Daily Grind of Mission Life
Culture Clash
Presidios and Pueblos
A Cry for Freedom
Californios Seize the Day (and the Land)
Getting Ahead in the Rancho Economy
Life on a Rancho
Post-WWII, 1950s
The Space Race
The 1960s
Civil Rights
March on Washington
Pop Culture
The 1970s
The Environment
A Land and Its People
History Since 1492
Outstanding Native Americans
The Powwow
The Iroquois Creation Myth
Spiritual Beliefs
Native American Art
Games and Sports
New York’s Land and Water
New York’s First Peoples
Explorers from Europe
European Settlement
From Colony to State
Grow, New York, Grow!
A People at War with Itself
Late 19th-Century New York
20th-Century New York to the Present
Downstate, Upstate
New Yorkers Who Led
Artists and Athletes of New York
Sights and Sounds of New York City
New York State’s Government
Major Groups of Northwest Coast Peoples
Village Life
Family Life
Spiritual Life
Trade with Outsiders
Northwest Coast Nations Today
What Is a Pioneer?
Early Pioneers
Pioneers Move West
On the Trail
Sodbusters of the Great Plains
Farming the Plains
Time for Fun
Where the Buffalo Roamed
History of the Plains Indians
Hunters and Warriors
In a Plains Village
People of the Plains
Making Medicine
Changes on the Plains
Plains Indians Today
Will the States Be United Again?
Hard Times
The Last Frontier
Native American Resistance
How Hull House Helped
Life in the North
New Faces from Faraway Lands
Why Immigrate? Why Migrate?
Religion in Daily Life
California Indians of the Northern Coastal Region
California Indians of the Desert Region
California Indians of the Central Valley and Mountains
California Indians of the Southern Coastal Region
My California Home
Who’s in Charge?
Presidential Powers
What Does the President Do?
Running for President
The Executive Office and the Cabinet
The President’s Home
A Day in the Life of a President
Presidential Portraits
Born from Protest
Voting Rights for Women
Anti-War and Anti-Gun Violence
No Plan(et) B
Civil Rights for All
Ready for Revolution
Serving the Cause
Camp Followers
Spies and Saboteurs
Holding Down the Home Front
Aiding the Cause
After the Revolutionary War
9/11: The Event
9/11: The Immediate Aftermath
The Lead-up to 9/11
Remembering 9/11
Consequences of 9/11
The People and the Land
The Ancient Peoples
Clash of Cultures
Living Traditions
Guided by Spirits
Arts and Crafts
Today’s People
Why Did People Explore?
Early Explorers
Native Californians and the Missions
Pacific Trade Routes
Colonization of California
Inside a California Mission
A New Overland Route
The Mission System
A Statue Is Born
A Home for the Statue
Designing the Statue
Building the Statue
Fast Facts About Lady Liberty
People Who Helped Build the Statue
After 100 Years, a Facelift
Lady Liberty as Inspiration
Before the Right to Vote
Getting Organized
Highlights of the Suffrage Movement
Susan B. Anthony and Other Leaders
The Fight Continues into the Twentieth Century
More Work to Be Done
New Waves of Immigrants
Overland Routes West
Waterways to the West
Pioneers Settle New States and Territories
Meet Tall Paul
Exploring the West
War of 1812
After the War
Notable Justices
The Current Justices
Origins of the Supreme Court
Petitions, Appeals, and Decisions
What Was the Underground Railroad?
Slavery in the South
Heroes and Helpers
North to Freedom
Stars, Songs, and Secret Signs
Free at Last
Washington, D.C., at a Glance
The Monuments of Our Capital
The Nation’s Attic
What Else Is There to See?
The History of Washington, D.C.
The Building of the Capital
Our Nation’s Government
The White House
The United States in 1815
Westward Ho!
The Indian Removal Act
Crossing the Plains
Trails West
Growth and Conflict
Race to California
Lone Star State
Climates of the World
What Affects Climate?
Plants and Animals in Different Climates
Humans Adapt to Climate
Floods and Other Extreme Conditions
Learning About Climates of Long Ago
A Warming World
What Is a Desert?
The Sahara
The Namib Desert
Cities in the Desert
Asian Deserts
More on Asian Deserts
Other Kinds of Deserts
Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami, 2004
Sichuan, China, Earthquake, 2008
How Earthquakes Work
Famous Earthquakes
Measuring and Predicting Earthquakes
Tsunamis and Volcanoes
Uncovering an Ancient City Buried by an Earthquake
Living with Earthquakes
The Rock Cycle
Earth, a Planet of Rock
Rocks for Tools and Tombs
Fossils: Bones of Stone
Meteors and Moon Rocks
Ayers and Other Famous Rocks
What Glaciers Are
How Glaciers Form
Glacier Movement
Kinds of Glaciers
Traveling on Glaciers
Learning from Ice-Core Samples
Effects of Global Warming
What Is a Hurricane?
How a Hurricane Develops
What Hurricane Hunters Do
Hurricane Hugo
Hurricane Hall of Fame
Preparing for a Hurricane
The Little Ice Age
What Is the Ice Age?
What Causes an Ice Age?
Saber-toothed Cats and Other Ice Age Mammals
Fossils from the Ice Age
The Woolly Mammoth
People of the Ice Age
Ice Age Cave Paintings
Different Kinds of Lakes
How Lakes Form
Plants and Animals in a Lake
How Lakes Affect Weather
Lakes Formed by Dams
Myths and Legends About Lakes
Pollution, Overuse, and Global Warming
Mountains of the World
How Mountains Are Made
Living in the Mountains
Mountain Animals and Plants
Mountain Climbing
Mountain Environments
Famous Ocean Explorers
The Layers of the Ocean
How the Oceans Formed
Creatures of the Ocean
Using the Ocean
Exploring the Ocean
The Blue Planet
Vents, Volcanoes, and Mountains
Ocean Weather
Ocean Myths and Legends
The Future of the Ocean
The Water Cycle
Weather Terms
Life of a Raindrop
The Hush of Snow
Lightning: Fire in the Sky
Rain: Clearing the Air
The Amazon
Food from Rain Forest Plants
Living in the Rain Forest
What Is a Rain Forest?
The Layers of a Rain Forest
Plants of the Rain Forest
Animals of the Rain Forest
Peoples of the Rain Forest
Who Will Save the Rain Forest?
Insects of the Rain Forest
Unusual Plants and Animals of the Rain Forest
Why Is Our Sun So Important?
A Star Is Born
Rotation, Revolution, and Eclipses
The Relationship Between Earth and the Sun
Seeing the Sun
Ancient Sun Worshipers
Nebulas, Supernovas, and More
How Solar Energy Works
Tornadoes and Other Severe Storms
How a Tornado Forms
Life Cycle of a Tornado
Top Ten Twisters
Myths About Tornadoes
Chasing Tornadoes
Tornado Watch, Tornado Warning
Volcanoes: Active, Dormant, and Extinct
An Inside Look at a Volcano
How a Volcano Forms
Famous Volcanoes
Hot Springs and Other Gifts From Volcanoes
Volcanic America
Living with Volcanoes
The Causes of Weather
Warm and Cold Air Masses
A Sky Full of Clouds
Rain, Snow, and Hail
Weather Satellites and Other Instruments
The Greatest Storms on Earth
What Are Wetlands?
Marshes, Swamps, and Bogs
Birth of a Salt Marsh
At Home in the Wetlands
The Everglades
Secrets of the Bogs
Saving the Wetlands
Landscapes of Africa
African Wonders of Nature
The First Africans and Beyond
Ancient African Art
European Contact with Africa
Where to Go and What to See in Africa
The Colonization of Africa
The Amazing Amazon
The First European Explorers of the Amazon
Rubber Boom and Bust
The First Peoples of Amazonia
Parrots, Piranha, and Puma
Amazon Adventure
Who Owns the Amazon
Formation of Ice Floes
Dressing for Survival
Antarctica: Giant Research Lab
Icy Land of Extremes
Antarctica at a Glance
Penguins in Antarctica
Racing to the South Pole
Asia, Land of Superlatives
China and Mongolia
South Korea, North Korea, and Japan
South Asia
Southeast Asia
Western Asia
Central and North Asia
Welcome to the Land Down Under
The First Australians
Australia’s Wildlife
City Life in Australia
The Outback
Treasures of the Deep
The Pacific Islands
Where in the World is California?
Climate and Vegetation
California’s Patterns of Settlement
The Coastal Region
The Desert Region
The Mountain Region
The Central Valley Region
The Caribbean Islands
European Settlers
Independence with Interference
Creole Life
Today’s Nations
Islanders in the U.S.
Caribbean Culture
The Land and Water of Europe
Western Europe
Southern Europe
Northern Europe
Central Europe
Southeastern Europe
Eastern Europe
What Is Geography?
Latitude, Longitude, and Time Zones
Different Types of Maps
Immigration Throughout History
Environmental Adaptation
The Important Role of Rivers
Our Ever-Changing Earth
How the Canyon Was Formed
The Canyon’s Clues to Earth’s History
Canyon Plants
Canyon Critters
Peoples of the Canyon
Ways to Enjoy the Canyon
The Discovery of the Grand Canyon
How the Hawaiian Islands Formed
Plants and Animals in Hawai`i
Ancient Hawai`i
Modern History of Hawai`i
Hawai`i’s Traditional Arts
The Islands of Hawai`i
The Costs and Benefits of Tourism
What Is an Island?
Continental Islands and How They Form
Oceanic Islands and How They Form
Island Plants and Animals
Living on Islands
Manhattan and Other Islands
Islands in Trouble
Map Symbols and Terminology
Early Maps
Maps During the Age of Exploration
How Maps of the World Have Changed
Different Map Projections
Mapping the Oceans and the Heavens
All Kinds of Maps
The Science of Mapmaking
Maryland’s Land and Water
Maryland’s First Peoples
Europeans Create a Colony
Highlights of Maryland in the 19th Century
Highlights of Maryland in the 20th Century
Maryland Now
Maryland’s Government
Mexico’s Geography
Empire, Conquest, and Independence
Mexico City
Mexico and the United States
Selected Cities and Regions
A Splash of Colors
The Mississippi and Its Tributaries
Explorers and Visionaries
Sights Along the Mississippi
Wildlife on the Mississippi
Steamboats on the River
Controlling the Mississippi
Mark Twain, Chronicler of the Mississippi
The Land of Oregon
Oregon’s First People
Oregon in the 18th and 19th Centuries
Europeans Arrive
Highlights of Oregon in the 20th Century
Oregon Now
Nine Tribes
Oregon’s Government
The Impossible Dream
Whose Land Is It?
Working on the Canal
Heroes of the Canal
A Trip Through the Canal
Great Waterways
The Geography of Canada
Canada’s History and Culture
Geography of Mexico and Central America
History and Culture of Mexico and Central America
The Big Picture
Landform Regions
Bodies of Water
Climate Regions
“America the Beautiful”
Vegetation Regions
People and the Land
States and Capitals
Rivers: Lifeblood of the Earth
The Amazon Basin
Key Parts of a River
The Role of Rivers in Human Civilization
Geography of South America
South America’s Earliest Peoples
European Exploration and Conquest of South America
From Colonization to Independence in South America
Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana
Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia
Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay
Geography of the Midwest
Early Peoples of the Midwest
The Northwest Territory
Pioneer Spirit
Isle Royale’s Historic Rock Harbor Lighthouse
Transportation in the Midwest
Industry Grows in the Midwest
The Midwest Today
Geography of the Northeast
Early Peoples of the Northeast
From Colonies to a Nation
Growth of the Northeast
New England States
Middle Atlantic States
The Northeast Today
A Great Big Amazing Mix
Natural Wonders
Early History of the Southeast
Ports and Bridges of the Southeast
Atlantic Coast States
Gulf Coast States
Inland South States
Geography of the Southwest
Early History of the Southwest
Toward Statehood
The Mexican-American War
Resources in the Southwest
Texas and Oklahoma Today
New Mexico and Arizona Today
Way Out West
Geography of the West
Early History of the West
Protecting and Using the Land
Life in the Mountains
On the Pacific Ocean
Beyond the “Lower 48”
The United States
The Eastern United States
The Great Lakes and the Mississippi River
The Interior Plains
How Astronauts See the States
The Rocky Mountains
The Intermountain Region
The Pacific Mountains and Valleys
Overview of Franklin’s Main Contributions
Young Ben
Printing and Publishing
Scientist and Inventor
Franklin’s Kite Experiment
The Lightning Rod and Other Practical Inventions
Patriot and Statesman
The Revolutionary War and Beyond
Educator, Nurse, and Humanitarian
A Determined Head and a Helping Heart
Stepping into the Work World
Barton’s America
The Angel of the Battlefield
Tracking Missing Persons
Clara Barton’s Biggest Battle
The First President
Young George
Military Career
America in Washington’s Time
General Washington
President Washington
Mount Vernon
A Legend in His Own Time
A Segregated Society
Young Jackie
Robinson Joins the Army
Major League Baseball
Robinson After Baseball
The Robinson Legacy
Leonardo, the Apprentice
Leonardo, the Artist
Painter and Engineer to a Duke
Leonardo’s Inventions
The Science and Art of Leonardo’s Sketches
The Mona Lisa
Other Renaissance Artists
Leonardo and the Renaissance
The Great Unknown
Profiles of Lewis, Clark, and Others
Preparing for the Expedition
Highlights of the Expedition
The Peoples Encountered by Lewis and Clark
Plants and Animals on the Trail
Lewis and Clark’s Legacy
America During Lincoln’s Time
Lincoln’s Path to the White House
Slavery Splits the Nation
The Civil War
Lincoln Is Killed
In Lincoln’s Memory
Growing Up to Be President
Marco Polo’s Route
The World in Marco Polo’s Time
The Polos of Venice
Marco Polo’s Journey East
Polo Travels on Behalf of Kublai Khan
Marco Polo’s Journey Home
Marco Polo’s Memoirs
Mark Twain, Born Samuel Clemens
Samuel’s Childhood
Clemens, the Steamboat Pilot
Twain Goes West, to Hawaii, and Back Again
Family and Fame
Selected Works of Mark Twain
America During Mark Twain’s Life
Who Was Martin Luther King Jr.?
Taking a Stand in Montgomery
The Civil Rights Movement Grows
From Selma to Montgomery
The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
Race in Nineteenth-Century America
King’s Early Years
The Significance of Sacagawea
A Child of the Shoshone
The Lewis and Clark Expedition
Sacagawea Joins the Expedition
Reunion with the Shoshone
The Expedition Reaches the Pacific Coast
Sacagawea’s Later Years
Playwright, Poet, and Businessman
The Printed Word in Shakespeare’s Time
Elizabethan England
A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Other Comedies
Hamlet and Other Tragedies
Shakespeare’s Legacy
History Plays and Sonnets
Roosevelt’s Character
A Frail Boy
The Rough Rider
The President
World Leader
Social Changes During Roosevelt’s Lifetime
After the Presidency
Before the Wright Brothers
The Wright Cycle Company
Early Attempts at Flight
Countdown at Kitty Hawk
The Mechanics of Flight
Continuing Test Flights
Timeline of Aviation
Genius, Inventor, Businessman
1847–1931: The Edison Era
Early Years
Edison’s First Inventions
How Edison Invented the Light Bulb
Later Inventions
Family and Friends
Jefferson’s Early Life
Important Events During Jefferson’s Lifetime
Jefferson’s Inventions
Serving His Country in War and Peace
Jefferson’s Presidency
The Remarkable Jefferson
Jefferson’s Later Years
The Hemingses of Monticello
How Blood Keeps Us Alive
Circulation: The Flow of Blood Through the Body
Questions and Answers About Blood
Different Types of Blood
How White Blood Cells Fight Germs
Killer Viruses
Animal Blood
The Human Skeleton
How Bones Work
Skull, Ribs, and Spine
Arms, Legs, and Joints
Animal Bones
Bone Health
X-Ray Vision
The Brain’s Growth and Development
Right Brain, Left Brain
How Learning Works
Steps to a Healthy Brain
How Eyes Developed
How the Eyes Work
Eye Defects
Protecting the Eyes
Eyes in Art
Animal Eyes
Optical Illusions
Germs Are Everywhere
Bacteria, Parasites, Viruses, and Fungi
Germs Throughout History
How the Body Fights Off Germs
History of the Fight Against Germs
Epidemics in History
Fighting Infectious Diseases in Our Time
The Heart’s Purpose and Function
How the Heart Works
Early Ideas About the Heart
Heart Problems
Keeping the Heart Healthy
Love and the Heart
Valentine’s Day
Different Ways Lungs Help
How Lungs Work
Lungs of Different Animals
Lung Capacity
Lungs in Trouble
Dos and Don’ts for Lungs
The Body’s Major Muscles
How Skeletal Muscles Work
The Heart and Other Involuntary Muscles
Muscles Used in Facial Expressions
Muscle Problems
Animal Muscles
Nutrition for Tomorrow
What Is the Study of Nutrition?
Proteins and Fats
Vitamins and Minerals
The Digestive System
A Balanced Diet
Healthful Eating Around the World
The Skin’s Many Jobs
Three Layers of Skin
Skin and the Sense of Touch
The Colors of Skin
Hair and Nails: Extensions of the Skin
Skin Problems
Hides, Scales, and Other Animal Skins
A Bee Up Close
Bees Around the World
Bees and Pollination
Inside a Beehive
How Is Honey Made?
People, Bees, and Honey Through Time
Desert Lands
An Introduction to Biomes
Temperate Deciduous Forests
Tropical Savannas
Temperate Grasslands
Tropical Rain Forests
A Bird Up Close
Feathers and Flight
Birds’ Eggs
Songs and Mimicry
Diet and Migration
Extinct and Endangered Birds
Similarities and Differences
Life Cycle
Camouflage and Other Ways to Survive
The Migration of Monarchs
The Silk Moth
Threats to Butterflies and Moths
Beautiful Butterflies and Marvelous Moths
Cells as Building Blocks
What’s in a Cell?
The Discovery and Study of Cells
Genetic Engineering
What Cells Do
Our Natural Resources
Air Pollution
Habitat Destruction
Landfills and Recycling
Our Carbon Footprint
Water Water Everywhere...
The Dog Family
From Mutt to Purebred
Physical Characteristics of a Dog
How Dogs Communicate
From Puppy to Adult
Leader of the Pack
Working Dogs
Six Ways of Looking at Our Planet
Biomes of the World
The Food Chain and the Food Web
Life Cycles
The Balance of Nature
Earth’s Shaky Health
Ecologists to the Rescue
What Is An Endangered Species?
Biodiversity and Evolution
The Human Impact
Preserving Habitats and Protecting Wildlife
The Variety of Flowers
Flowers in the Growth Cycle of a Plant
Bees and Other Pollinators
How Flowers Attract Pollinators
Flower Scents
Edible Flowers
How We Use Flowers to Communicate
Growth and Development
What Insects Eat
Camouflage and Mimicry
Unusual Insects
Living with Insects
Insect Characteristics
Insect Nests
Antony van Leeuwenhoek and the Microscope
Types of Microbes: Bacteria, Protists, Fungi, and Viruses
Useful Microbes
Microbes in Extreme Environments
Microbes On and In the Body
Germs and Other Disease-Causing Microbes
Microbes in History
Plants in Our Daily Lives
How Photosynthesis Works
Plants Around the World
Unusual Plants
Global Warming
The Many Uses of Plants
Plants in Art; Plants as Art
Comparing Spiders and Insects
A Spider Up Close
Catching Their Prey
Dangerous Spiders
Spiders as Prey
Spiders as Help
Why Water Is Important
Properties of Water
The Journey of a Raindrop
Glaciers and Other Forms of Frozen Water
Making Water Safe to Drink
Extreme Water Conditions
Water at Work
Water, Water (But Not Everywhere)
Tiny Heroes
Solutions and Suspensions
The Parts of an Atom
Major Discoveries About the Atom
The Elements
Atoms Explain Common Phenomena
The Periodic Table
Fission and Fusion
Pros and Cons of Nuclear Energy
A Laser World
Why Matter Matters
The Building Blocks of Life
The Interaction of Atoms and Molecules
Chemistry Superstars
Chemists at Work
Chemistry and the Future
Chemistry in Nature
What Is Electricity?
Static and Dynamic Electricity
The History of Electricity and Magnetism
Electricity from the Power Plant to You
Uses of Electrical Energy
Electrical Energy and the Human Body
Renewable Power Sources
What Is Energy?
Water, Wind, and Other Sources of Energy
Nuclear, Solar, and Geothermal Energy
Light and Heat Energy
Energy from Plants to People
Machines: Simple and Complex
Ways to Conserve Energy
Force, Motion, and Friction
Gravity and Magnetism
Newton's First Law of Motion
It’s the Law
Move It!
The Human Advantage
Forces in Sports
The Body Moves
Forces in Nature
Surviving Nature
What Goes Up...
Earth’s Gravity
Engineering with Gravity
Living with Gravity
More or Less Gravity
Between the Earth and Moon
The Solar System and Beyond
Light from the Sun
Light from Other Sources
Vision: How Humans and Animals Use Light
How Plants Use Light
The Power of Light
Lasers and Other High-Tech Uses of Light
The Speed of Light
Magic That Isn’t
The Inside Story
Our Own Giant Magnet
Animals and Other Living Things
They’re Everywhere, They’re Everywhere
Jobs, Big and Small
Different Kinds of Matter
Mixtures and Matter
Properties and States of Matter
State Matters
Physical and Chemical Changes
How Matter Works
What Is Matter?
Our Watery World
Our Planet From Surface to Core
Earth’s History
Life on Earth
Air and Space
The Environment
An Introduction to Galaxies
The Milky Way
Exotic Galaxies
Telescopes and Discovery
A Galaxy Is Born?
Galactic Myths and Legends
Clusters of Galaxies
The Two Faces of Mars
Fourth Rock from the Sun
And Now…the Weather
Martians: Fact and Fiction
Early Exploration of Mars
21st-Century Exploration of Mars
Dreams and Possibilities
Geography of the Moon
The Moon in Motion
Folk Tales, Myths, and Legends
The Moon: Fact and Fantasy
Imaginary Journeys to the Moon
The First Man on the Moon
From the Earth to the Moon... and Back
Moon Messages
Our Solar System
Mercury and Venus
Earth and Moon
Uranus, Neptune, and the Dwarf Planets
A Rocket by Any Other Name
Rocket FAQs
From the Beginning
Rockets in Space
They Rode the Rockets
Yesterday to Tomorrow
A Spin Around the Solar System
The Sun
Planet Earth
Mars, Venus, and Mercury
Jupiter and the Other Gas Giants
Comets, Asteroids, and Meteorites
Fact and Fancy
What’s in the Sky Above?
The Solar System
Space Exploration Today
The Physics of Launching a Rocket
Space Exploration in the Twentieth Century
The International Space Station
The Price of Exploration
Telescopes in Space
The Eight Planets
Moons and More
Would You Like to Be an Astronaut?
What Stars and Nebulae Are
Different Kinds of Nebulae
The Birthplaces of Stars
The Birth of a Star
Star Clusters
Types of Stars
Stellar Death and Rebirth
Searching for Planets and Other Objects in the Sky
Backyard Astronomy
Waves of Energy
How Telescopes Work
History of Telescopes
Telescopes of Today
Images from the Hubble Telescope
Space Telescopes
Kinds of Bicycles
How Bicycles Work
History of the Bicycle
High-Tech Bikes
Rules of the Road
The Business of Bicycles
What Boats and Ships Are Made Of
How Boats and Ships Move
Different Types of Boats and Ships
Different Ways Boats and Ships Are Used
The Biggest, Fastest, Oldest, and More
Famous Shipwrecks
Bridges Around the World
How a Beam Bridge Works
How an Arch Bridge Works
How a Suspension Bridge Works
Cool Variations on Beam and Suspension Bridges
How the Brooklyn Bridge Was Built
Bridges in Art
Engineering – What’s That?
Ancient Engineering Solutions
The Material World
The Built World
In Air and Water
On Land
Engineering Feats
The World Wide Web, the Frisbee, and More
Thomas Edison
The Automobile
The Telephone
Radio and Television
The Computer
The Rocket
The Laser
The Importance of Language
How Language Began
Spoken Language
Written Language
How Languages Change
Fun with Language
Language Families
Why Money Is Useful
Money through the Ages
Dollars and Cents
Life Cycle of a Dollar Bill
Gambling and Other Money Schemes
Myths and Superstitions
How Money Is Earned and Saved
Robots and Robotics
On the Shoulders of Others
Behind the Scenes
State of the Art
Inspired by Nature
A Case Study – Driverless Cars
On the Cutting Edge
All Kinds of Shelters
Building Materials
Shelter from the Cold
Shelter from the Heat
Houses for Nomads
Shelters On, Near, and In Water
Shelters of the Future
About the Seven Wonders
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Statue of Zeus at Olympia
Temple of Artemis
The Great Pyramid at Giza
Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
The Colossus of Rhodes
The Pharos of Alexandria
Ancient Africa
Kingdoms of the Nile
Mali and Songhai
Kings and Queens of Grasslands and Forests
Ashanti Kings, Then and Now
The Mystery of Great Zimbabwe
Ghana: Land of Gold
England Becomes a World Power
The Spanish Armada
Spain Builds an Empire
Cultural Change and Exchange
Colonization Expands
Setting the Stage for Exploration
Portugal Takes the Lead
Spain and Portugal Explore the World
Toward a Modern World
The Scramble for Africa
Carving Up a Continent
The British Raj
The Suez Canal
Imperialism in China
Imperialism in Japan and Southeast Asia
The U.S. Looks Outward
The Chinese Dynasties
Ancient Chinese Society
How the Rich and the Poor Lived
Celebrating the Chinese New Year
The Compass and Other Inventions
The Great Wall and Other Engineering Feats
Legacies of Ancient China
The Gift of the Nile
Mighty Pharaoh
Daily Life
Gods, Priests, and Temples
Leaving Their Mark
Pyramid Builders
Mummy Makers and the Afterlife
The Rise of Civilization
The Achaemenid Empire
China, Qin and Han Dynasties
Julius Caesar and The Roman Empire
The First Egyptian Kingdom
The Maya
Awesome Athens
Life in Ancient Greece
The Olympics
The Trojan Horse
Lasting Achievements
Digging Up the Past
Greek Gods
Origins of Judaism
The Age of Kings
Heroes of Judaism
War and Peace
From Greek Rule to Rebellion
Keeping the Faith
Faith and Feasts
Mysterious Ancient India
India’s First Cities
Inside Mohenjo-Daro
Other Civilizations in the Ancient World
The Indo-European Migration
The Caste System
Roots of Hinduism
Early History and Culture
Emperors of Early Japan
The Shoguns’ Rise to Power
Social Structure
Dressed for Battle
Samurai Warriors
The Castle: Fortress and Home
The End of Shogun Rule
The First World Empire
Kings of the Persian Empire
Persian Society
Royal Roads, Canals, and Palaces
The Art of Ancient Persia
Invasion of the Greeks
The Legacy of Ancient Persia
Mysterious Stonehenge
What Is Archaeology?
Where Do Archaeologists Dig?
A Famous Dig in China
Shipwrecks and Ruins
Some Facts about Artifacts
Challenges Faced by Archaeologists
Unsolved Histories
Tenochtitlan: Center of the Empire
The Aztec Social System
The Aztec Calendar
Fun and Festivals
Montezuma Meets Cortés
The Aztec Legacy
Twelve of the Most Valuable Cargoes Lost at Sea
The Rosetta Stone and Other Buried Treasures
Treasures from the 17th-Century Ship Atocha
Ingots, Weapons, and Other Treasures Lost at Sea
Treasures Found in Caves
Mummies and More
Treasures Close to Home
The Decline of Rome
Constantine and the Growth of Christianity
Justinian I and Theodora
Crossroads of the World
Life in Constantinople
Decline and Fall of the Byzantine Empire
Legacy of the Byzantine Empire
China’s First Dynasties
The Zhou Dynasty
The Qin Dynasty
The Han Dynasty
The Ming Great Wall
The Yuan Dynasty
The Ming Dynasty
The Qing Dynasty
Religions in Rome
The Jewish People Under Roman Rule
Christianity’s Beginnings
Christianity Catches On in Rome
The Gospel of Mark
The Decline of the Roman Empire
Christianity and the Two Empires
Rome’s Legacies
Early Settlers
Founding of the City of Rome
Lead-up to the Republic
The Roman Republic
Trouble in the Republic
The Roman Empire
Rome Expands
The Scientific Revolution
Women and the Enlightenment
The Enlightenment Spreads
The American Revolution
The French Revolution
Revolutions in Latin America
New Ideas for the Enlightenment
Ships of Exploration
Cabeza de Vaca
Cook’s Last Voyage
Burke and Wills in the Australian Outback
Annie Smith Peck on Top of the World
Matthew Henson Reaches the North Pole
Mike Collins to the Moon
A Wonder of the World
The Nomads of the North
What It Took to Build the Walls
The Ming Wall
The Ming Wall Today
Great Wall Legends
Ming Wall Miscellanea
The Parthenon: A Design for the Ages
The Peloponnesian War
Alexander Builds an Empire
Greece’s Legacy
The Golden Age of Athens
Greek Teaching and Learning
Greek Arts and Architecture
Where the Incas Lived
The Empire and Its Rulers
Government and Law
Roads and Bridges
Customs and Practices
The Conquest of the Empire
Present-Day Reminders of the Incas
Achievements During the Golden Age
From Many States to One Empire
The Maurya Empire
The Beginning of Buddhism
The Spread of Buddhism
The Reign of Ashoka
India’s Golden Age
Royal Life
The World’s First Rulers
Early European Royalty
The Wealth of Monarchs
Rulers and the Law
Kings and Queens Today
Rulers in Other Times and Cultures
The Middle Ages
The Castle
Inside the Great Hall
Becoming a Knight
The Life of a Knight
The Castle Under Attack
The Legacy of Knights and Castles
Cradle of Civilization
Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, and More
Day-to-Day Life
Gods and Demons
Accomplishments of the Mesopotamians
The Legendary Gilgamesh and the Origins of Writing
How We Know What We Know
Highlights of the Middle Ages
At the Castle
Life of a Knight
Life in the Village
The Church
Life in the City
The End of the Middle Ages
What Is a Mummy?
How a Mummy Is Prepared
Mummy Cases
X-rays and CAT Scans
Animal Mummies
Other Mummies
Beginnings of Islam
Islamic Beliefs
Beginnings of an Empire
The Ottoman Empire
The Blue Mosque
The Safavid Empire
The Mughal Empire
Cultural Achievements
The Rise of Nationalism
Italian Nationalism
Unification of Germany
Division in Europe
Flags and Their Meanings
The Rise of Japan
Colonial Empires
Nationalism in the United States
7 Ancient Wonders of the World
The Coliseum and The Great Wall of China
Chichen Itza and Machu Picchu
The Taj Mahal, Petra, and Christ the Redeemer
The Day of the Blast
The Eruption Hour by Hour
What Caused the Eruption?
Discovering the Buried City
The City of Pompeii
Life in Pompeii
Herculaneum, a Town Near Pompeii
The Pyramids of Egypt
How Pyramids Got Their Start
Resources for the Pyramids
Building a Pyramid
Traps, Mazes, and Secret Chambers
All About Mummies
Life in Ancient Egypt
The Birth of the Modern World
Gutenburg and The Printing Press
Rediscovering Ancient Architecture
An Artistic Revolution
Michelangelo and Da Vinci
The Cradle of the Renaissance
New Ways of Thinking and Seeing
Renaissance Artists
The Spread of Ideas
Shakespeare’s Living Shrine
Standing Up for Reform
The Reformation Begins
The Reformation Takes Hold
Remarkable Rome
Master Builders
The Roman Army
The Life of the Poor
The Life of the Rich
The Romans at Play
The End of the Empire
Where and When the Maya Flourished
Maya History
Math, Science, Writing, and Art
The Maya Way of Life
The Spanish Conquest and the Decline of the Maya
Uncovering the Secrets of the Maya
The Maya Today
“Iceberg Ahead!”
Building the Titanic
Social Classes in 1912
Disaster Strikes
The Sinking of the Titanic
Endless Night
Titanic’s Legacy
Who Were the Vikings?
Explorers and Traders
Viking Vessels
Life in Viking Days
A Viking Myth
A Reconstructed Village
The Path to War
Trench Warfare on the Western Front
Tanks and Other New Weapons
Other Fronts
The U.S. Enters the War
Life on the Home Front
A Short-Lived Peace