Government Partner Resources

This page includes resources for various government partners of the Judicial Branch. Some of these resources are web pages or documents maintained by the Judicial Branch, and others are maintained by other agencies or partners.

File a Case

Minnesota Government Access (MGA)The Minnesota Judicial Branch offers Minnesota Government Access (MGA) accounts to government agencies. New MGA accounts allow government agencies to view appropriate electronic court records and documents stored in the Minnesota Court Information System for cases in Minnesota district courts.

Court Integration Services is an enterprise-wide strategy of the Minnesota Judicial Branch to facilitate application-to-application electronic exchange of data between the courts and their business partners.

Document integrations are an application-to-application electronic exchange of certain documents between the courts and their business partners.

Minnesota Partner Calendar (MPARC)

The Minnesota Judicial Branch offers Minnesota Partner Calendar (MPARC) access to Minnesota government agencies. MPARC allows Minnesota government agencies access to court calendar information in real time. MPARC is a web-based application that requires no installation. Users access MPARC through individual login accounts.