RSS Reviews  (20 - 40 of 180,138)


Game review by SweetAmy Agree (1) Disagree

The worst open world game Bethesda has ever made, just stick to Elder Scrolls or Fallout instead.


DOOM Eternal: Rivarez Mod

Mod review by Achaern Agree Disagree

I've tried to enjoy this mess of a game for years. Finally I can. Hugo Martin, the designer is quoted as saying "We tried to shore that up. To hold the player accountable. To not let them out of the 'Fun zone', you know, the fun zone is managing resources, doings all these different things, thinking constantly, its using the right tool for the job, its diving into progression, you know its what you'll see shooting weak points of enemies, you know, its all these different things, and when they don't play that way, we kill them."

That kind of thinking tells me he doesn't understand what makes Doom fun. If I want to play the entire game with one weapon, let me. This mod is great and I really appreciate the work and thought that Rivarez has put into this mod.


Doom III (Doom II Mod)

Mod review by VICKING-FIT Agree Disagree

I just finished Chapter 1 and I can say that this is one of the best mods I've ever played. I don't understand the criticisms of the toxic Doom community, because this is a WORTHY successor to Doom II. The dedication and attention to every little detail is evident. I wish it could be compatible with the Voxel and Brutal Doom mods.

It's also confusing that the difficulty is so artificially increased from the lowest difficulty level (for instance: which would be the medium difficulty level is simply what Nightmare should be), I feel that each difficulty level should have a name that is consistent with how challenging it is... but other than that, this is a GLORIOUS MOD. THANK YOU SO MUCH for such a beautiful gift to Doom fans, It shows how much effort and dedication you put in during those 11 years, excellent work.


Blender Dawn of War Addon

Early access mod review by -Clyde Agree Disagree



Yet Another Unofficial Patch

Mod review by Awerlord Agree Disagree

In short, everything is much more difficult in multiple ways. Less XP, skills are expensive, enemies are way too strong, your loot is worthless, at every opportunity the mod developer just gives player a middle finger. Designed only for masochists.


Brutal Doom

Mod review by CigaretteMan Agree Disagree

Honestly? This is the most fun that I've had with standard Doom in a long time.

It gives me a reason to play!


Arctic Incident

Mod review by Prospero01.mp3 Agree Disagree

Maps, models, atmosphere.. everything is awesome


The Gloom

Mod review by Prospero01.mp3 Agree Disagree



USS Darkstar

Mod review by Prospero01.mp3 Agree Disagree

Little boring, but not bad, i liked it


Hello William: Classic Edition

Mod review by SimSalabimRanger Agree Disagree



Janitorial Escapism

Mod review by tear-vyps Agree Disagree

A very classic type of mod to spend an hour on during a boring evening.
Very HL atmosphere.
Although the maps are very prone to skips and sequence breaks and the sound ambience is non-existant in many places. There's basically no story too.
Saw an awesome brush machine and cool rocks, the outside areas is where the mod gets good.


Insularis Draco

Mod review by Salva_ Agree Disagree

Great mod


Bismark Total War

Mod review by Jomini Agree Disagree



Forgotten Hope 2

Mod review by Quangg Agree Disagree

Still as great as ever.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call Of Chernobyl Sylky Edition

Mod review may contain spoilers by Mercenary_Scientist Agree Disagree



MAGA Doom Guy

Mod review by arbiter5333 Agree (1) Disagree (1)

Well made and pretty funny


Manor Lords

Game review by DARKH0BBIT Agree Disagree

It's legitimately the most detailed well rounded game that's come out in a good long while. It's not even close to done and already has surpassed my initial expectations given on release with it's prompted updates that are actual updates. not like most games being developed these days


The Exception

Mod review by Diego0920 Agree Disagree

Superb mod. Definitely a recommend. Overall Score: 8.5/10.

Weapon pack used feels great. The new maps and artifacts are great too. Story is nice for the most part. Took me 3 sittings which is decent length.

A few things that irk me (apart from the crashes when entering new areas) are that there's basically one really viable suit and that shotguns and artifact stacks are pretty OP. It all feels similar to those stalker soups but that's not a bad thing.

In the story you get saved from death in cutscenes far too many times for my taste but that's only a minor complaint.

There are some performance problems to note. Might be because it's tied to DX11.

The reason it doesn't get a higher score is mostly just the graphics and presentation which are in par with most mods, save for the new weapons. That or not having the same amount of content or polish that other mods have, like voice acting or fancy cutscenes or fonts.

Guns still can't reload the last bullet in the mag without shooting one first, that needs a fix.

Still I'm pretty sure I missed many stashes and artifacts. The modder really likes to place a sh1tload of seemingly empty locations that you could search forever almost. That Rostok area for example is just a maze.


Mine Jam 1

Mod review by StygianEmperor Agree Disagree

This is awesome. I loved almost all of these maps.


Freeman's Escape 2.0

Mod review by agreenman Agree Disagree

Lots of ambushes. You're gonna take damage. So much **** hiding behind crates. Gotta be skeptical of every door. Dumped into rooms of zombies from all directions. I will admit, it makes zombie combat interesting as long as you're not a bitch.

Too many locked door mazes.

Artistic set pieces; seeing the soldier splattered in the bullseye as the music creeps in as you creep down the tube. Classic HL1 horror vibes. There were several such moments that put a smile on my face.

Combat is well-designed. Emphasizes use of certain weapons and puts you into all sorts of interesting scenarios that test your awareness and ingenuity.

I really wish the restrooms were mapped. I always find it strangely intoxicating exploring bathrooms in Half-Life games. You go through the effort of pointing out bathrooms when other mods don't, but then you blue ball me? I want those HL1 locker room vibes.

Now this is how you do rockfaces in a GldSrc mod. So many other games *coughwantedcough* are hideously ugly and claustrophobic. But here we have gorgeous contrasting colors like the cloudy blue sky against the red rock faces with lawns of green. Oh man then add in the lights. Cot dang. Game gives you plenty of opportunity to admire its handiwork. There's something about looking out over a ledge that really gets me going.

My god headcrabs are brutal in the dark. That was a tough, but rewarding moment. Bro says skill 3, nah man, you want skill 2 otherwise you'll never survive without frustration.

That was a quickie, but not too quick. Left me feeling satisfied with the obvious quality over quantity. I never played the original, but this certainly feels polished. Can be a little unforgiving at times, but I love it despite its flaws.