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Province : Hainaut
Additions: 1977 Eugies, La Bouverie, Noirchain, Sars-la-Bruyère

Armoiries de Frameries

Official blazon

  • (1937) D'or à l'aigle éployée de sable, l'écu surmonté du buste de Sainte-Waudru d'or tenant de la dextre une crosse du même.
  • (2000) D'or à l'aigle bicéphale éployée de sable.


The arms were granted on November 23, 1937 and again on September 22, 2000 without the supporter.

The arms show the imperial eagle, which already appeared on the 16th century seals of the city. The origin of the eagle, however, is not clear.


The arms from 1937
Wapen van/Blason de Frameries

The arms in the Koffie Hag/Café Hag albums +/- 1930
Wapen van/Blason de Frameries

The arms on a police badge (source)


Literature: Servais, 1955

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