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State : Bayern
District (Kreis) : Bad Kissingen
Additions: 1972 Althausen, Brünn, Burghausen, Fridritt, Kleinwenkheim, Großwenkheim, Reichenbach, Seubrigshausen, Wermerichshausen, Windheim

Wappen von Münnerstadt/Arms (crest) of Münnerstadt
Official blazon
German In Rot eine silberne Torburg mit zwei spitzbedachten Türmen und offenem Tor mit silbernem Fallgatter; zwischen den Türmen auf silbernen Wolken sitzend die blau gekleidete, golden gekrönte Heilige Maria, die auf der Rechten das golden gekrönte, eine goldene Weltkugel haltende Kind, in der Linken das goldene Zepter trägt.
English blazon wanted


The arms were officially granted on August 6, 1959.

The arms of the city have changed several times during history. The oldest seal of the city, dating from 1297 shows a city gate, with in the gate the Count of Henneberg as a knight on a horse. The city at the time was a possession of the Counts of Henneberg.

Wappen von Münnerstadt/Coat of arms (crest) of Münnerstadt

The seal of 1297

In the seal from 1338 a small shield on the main tower with the arms of Henneberg was added. In 1354 this shield was quartered with the arms of the State of Würzburg, as the Archbishops of Würzburg acquired part of the city. In 1585 the city became the sole possession of Würzburg and the middle tower of the gate was replaced by the Madonna. The knight in the gate disappeared and was replaced by the arms of Julius Echter, the Archbishop of Würzburg at the time. In 1819 this shield was removed. The colours were also not determined, as can also be seen from the arms shown below from the 1920s.

Wappen von Münnerstadt/Coat of arms (crest) of Münnerstadt

The arms by Hupp in the Kaffee Hag albums +/- 1925
Wappen von Münnerstadt/Coat of arms (crest) of Münnerstadt

The arms in the Deutsches Wappenmuseum

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Heraldic Bibliography: Stadler, 1964-1971, 8 volumes; Hupp, O: Kaffee Hag albums, 1920s