Submissions to NCPR
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Without your contributions, would be a much poorer and duller site. We ask you to help build this community resource in a number of ways. We have ongoing features, including Listener Comment, the Community Calendar, Photo of the Day and more. And we ask for help from time to time with special projects. Here are some ways you can build your addition onto the rambling house of public radio in the North Country.

Photo of the Day

Today's Photo of the Day

You can now submit a selection to Photo of the Day through by uploading photos from your computer via the form on the Photo of the Day submission page.

Submit a photo and caption using the email link below this paragraph.
You must include
a brief caption (include your name and the town where you live, and the names of people in the photo, the date, and where the photo was taken) in the text of the email to which you attach your photo. Please send photos in .jpg format and scale down any photo that is larger than 2 mb in size. By submitting, you give permission for use of your photo on the NCPR website and assert that you have the right to give such permission.

Submit your photo and caption via email
(If this link does not open your email, submit your photo, caption and personal information by email to [email protected]. Put "Photo of the Day submission" in your subject line.)

The Community Calendar

Today's Community Calendar

We encourage people throughout our broadcast region to submit information about events in their community. By far the best method is to submit your event directly to the online calendar. In order to submit an event, you must be registered, and be logged in. Items in the broadcast version of the calendar are selected from among the events submitted online.

You can also submit event information via email to [email protected], but due to time constraints on staff, we can not guarantee that events submitted via email will all be entered into the calendar. Please send information two weeks in advance of the event.

The UpNorth Gallery

UpNorth Gallery page

We encourage galleries, museums and individual artists to send us samples of current exhibitions and collections. We present them in slideshow form. Include information about the exhibition, and captions for individual works, in the body of an email. Attach jpg images of the individual works to the email. Please limit the size of individual images to 2 megabytes in size or smaller. If the total size of the images is larger than 8 megabytes, divide your submission into separate emails, each less than 8 MB in size.

Send them via email to [email protected]

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General Comments

Read/post general comments

There are many way to comment on NCPR stories, programs and other content. Look for comment links at the bottom of every news story and blog post. Our Photo and Artwork of the Day pages also accept comments, as do other featuress, including items on the NCPR Facebook page. Our general comment page (link above) collects the newest comments, as well as the most recent comments on NCPR services as a whole.
North Country Public Radio Online reserves the right to edit comments for length, and to decline to display any comment for any reason. Full privacy policy.