Resources for Cybersecurity in Automation and IIoT Applications

Industrial automation has long been known to carry vulnerabilities at the levels of both technology and practice. Legacy PLCs weren’t designed for connections to untrusted LANs or the internet, and the old password-on-a-sticky-note security policy just doesn’t cut it anymore. 

Opto 22’s groov family of products are designed to support secure architectures for modern industrial control networks, with features like user/client authentication, device-level firewalls, and SSL/TLS encryption.

Use the resources below to learn about products, tools, and strategies that can help you build a secure architecture for your automation and IIoT projects.  Have more questions? Talk to an Engineer!


Industrial products, cybersecure out of the box


groov EPIC
It's not a PAC, PLC or PC. Learn more about groov EPIC—an edge programmable industrial controller.


groov RIOgroov RIO edge I/O helps you build a secure system for field data communications.


Cybersecurity Technical GuideLearn how to design a secure industrial automation system.


Secure and Democratize the Data in Your Customer's Brownfield OT DevicesDon't tear out existing devices. See how you can gain their data without disturbing them.

IIoT System ArchitectureExplore this interactive demo to see how groov EPIC and groov RIO work in your automation or IIoT system.


groov EPIC Cybersecurity VideoWatch this overview of all the cybersecurity features included with groov EPIC, out of the box.


Default Self-signed CertificatesLearn about the default self-signed security certificate in groov EPIC and groov RIO.


Custom Self-signed CertificatesSee how to make a custom self-signed security certificate for groov EPIC and groov RIO.


Working  with Private Certificate Authorities
Learn how to access a private CA from your company's network and use it to sign a certificate generated on a groov device.


MQTT and security


Webinar: Securely Access Your Network Data with MQTT
Opto 22 and Cirrus Link recorded webinar


More MQTT Resources
Opto 22 website resource page



Case studies 


Case Study: BlendtechAutomating the costly process of complying with API 2350.


Case Study: Waterford Township
A leader in innovative water/wastewater management improves security and data reliability.


Case Study: Engenuity, Inc. Oil & Gas OEM uses integrated data and control to deliver reliable automated pressure testing.


White papers




Blog posts