Server Error


Your request cannot be completed at this time.

First, we apologize for any inconvenience this error may have caused. Second, our web team has been notified with information regarding this error, and are likely determining the source of the problem as you read this. We expect to resolve the issue very soon. Please try again later.

If you were trying to place an order

Please contact our sales department during normal business hours at 800-321-6786 or 951-695-3000 or email at

If you were trying to locate a download, document, or product information

Please contact us at A representative will respond to you as quickly as possible.

If you were trying to obtain product support information

Please call Opto 22 Product Support directly during normal business hours at 800-835-6786 or 951-695-3080 or email at

For any other feedback, please drop us a line at

Thank you for visiting We appreciate your business and thank you for considering Opto 22 products.