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AFCO Hotrod & Racing
12-Feb-00 Making Front Shock Mounts

The Shocking Truth!

ImageHere's proof that this project is being built by an amateur and ``real time``. Remember the articles about adding turn signals to the shock mounts? Well the turn signals will need to find a new home. Yup, 40 minutes work down the drain! I'll keep the articles up in case anyone wants to view them, but what's that old saying? ``The best laid plans of mice and men…`` ... guess I changed my mind.
ImageAfter staring at the shocks and mounts for several days I decided that I didn't like the long shocks and high towers as well as the vertical angle of the shocks. (the tape has slipped down in this photo)
ImageI decided I like the look of a shorter shock and mount as well as the inward angle of the shock. It looks much less bulky and a little more racy in my opinion.
ImageThis is all the higher I will need the shock mount with this shock. At ride height the shock will end up at 1/2 travel. No more room for turn signals. I’ll probably relocate them to the inner fender panels… but who knows.
ImageThis requires cutting just a little off the mounts… like 2/3rds! See I put those turn signal lights in just the right place huh? :)
ImageHere's a better shot of the angle and location of the shock mounts. I still plan on making headlight mounts at the top of them and actually started cutting the metal for this with the tall mounts, so I hope my upcoming photos on the headlight mounts don't confuse anyone. Headlight mounts will be covered in the ``Body`` section of this site.