- General Provisions
- Registration on the Website
- Conclusion on the Agreement
- Terms and Conditions for the Provision of Services
- Termination of the Agreement
- Complaints
- Technical Requirements
- Processing of Personal Data
- ModiOication of the Rules and Regulations
- Final Provisions
These Rules and Regulations (hereinafter: “Rules and Regulations”) sets forth rights and
obligations related to the use of the website www.quizony.com as well as rules for using services
provided via the website www.quizony.com.
Rules and Regulations, in the Bield of electronic services, constitute the rules and regulations for
the provision of electronic services, referred to in art. 8 sec. 1(1) of the Polish Act of 18 July 2002
on the provision of electronic services (Dz.U. [Polish Journal of Laws] of 2002, no. 144, item
1204, as amended).
Administrator |
an entity providing service of access to
resources on the Website – Quizony spó łka z
ograniczoną odpowiedzialnoś cią spó łka
komandytowa, ul. Krucza 5/11, 00-548
Warsaw, Poland entered into the Register of
Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register
kept by the District Court for the Capital City
of Warsaw under KRS no.: 0000718147, Tax
IdentiBication Number (NIP): 5213813853,
Polish National Business Registry Number
( R E G O N ) : 3 6 9 5 0 0 5 3 8 , e - m a i l :
contact@quizony.com |
Registration form |
an electronic document on the Website that
allows for creating an Account on the Website,
consisting of the following Bields “User name”,
“e-mail address”, “password”. |
Account |
an electronic document created as a result of
the User's registration on the Website. |
Privacy Policy |
a separate document regulating general
principles of operation of the Websitefor all
visitors to the Website, including those who
are not Users, available at the following
Internet address: https://www.quizony.com/
privacy.html. |
Website |
Website www.quizony.com managed and
administered by the Administrator |
Services |
Services provided by the Administrator to
Users against payment, described in section IV
of the Rules and Regulations. |
User |
an entity using the services of the Website
after accepting the Rules and Regulations,
understood as a User logged in and a User not
logged in. |
User not logged in |
User using the Website Services who has not
created an Account. |
User logged in |
User using the Website Services who has
created an Account in accordance with Section
II of the Rules and Regulations. |
Waiting room |
Website function containing quizzes and
stories from Users that have not been veriBied
by the Administrator |
I. General Provisions
- The Rules and Regulations deBine in particular the conditions of using the Website, the
type and scope of the Services, the conditions for the provision of Services, the
conditions for concluding and terminating agreements for the provision of Services, the
conditions for the processing of personal data as well as the complaint procedure.
- In connection with the provision of the Services, the Administrator is liable under the
general rules speciBied in the Polish Act of 23 April 1964 Civil Code (Dz.U. [Polish Journal
of Laws] of 1964, no. 16, item 9, as amended).
- The materials contained on the Website and materials shared by the Users within the
Services, and in particular images, graphics, content of stories and quizzes, layout and
composition of these elements may be subject to copyright protection and may not be
distributed, modiBied or copied in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of
the authorised entity (excluding the use within fair use, in accordance with the
provisions of law).
- User is solely liable for any infringements of third-party copyrights related to the use of
the Website.
- Before using the Website, the User is obliged to Birst accept the provisions contained in
the Rules and Regulations or the Privacy Policy.
- Acceptance of the Rules and Regulations or the Privacy Policy is done by clicking the Bield
"I accept the Rules and Regulations of the Website www.quizony.com” or, respectively, "I accept
the Privacy Policy of the Website www.quizony.com”, which will be included in the
message displayed during the Birst visit to the Website's home page.
- Only persons over 16 years of age may use the Website.
Before using the Website, the User is obliged to declare their age. The declaration is made
by clicking on the Bield "Yes, I am over 16", which is included in the message displayed
during the Birst visit on the main page of the Website.
II. Registration on the Website
- User may use the Website using the Account or without the necessity to log in.
- Creating an Account on the Website is voluntary and possible at any time, however,
without registration, the functionality of the Website is limited.
- The logged in User receives access to all Website Services described in Section IV of the
Rules and Regulations.
- The non logged User receives access to selected Website Services, including quiz-solving
services, access to stories, sharing quizzes and stories via Messenger, Facebook and
- Creating an account is done by registering with the use of the Registration Form
consisting of the Bields "User name", "password" and "e-mail".
- After Billing in the Registration Form, the logged in User will receive a message with an
activation link to the provided e-mail address. Opening the link is necessary to create an
- The logged in User has the right to change the password later. To do this, one should
open on the Website tab “My ProBile” where there is a “change password” section. The
user logged in after entering the old password, new password and repeating the new
password conBirms the change by clicking on "change my password".
- Registration on the Website can also be made via a Google account.
- Within the Account, the logged in User will receive access to the following functions:
- Access to the list of quizzes created by the logged in User;
- Access to the list of stories shared by the logged in User;
- Access to messages;
- Access to notiBications;
- Access to the proBile of the logged in User, including the possibility of editing it by
changing the photo, password and description of the logged in User.
III. Conclusion on the Agreement
- The Rules and Regulations constitute an integral part of agreements concluded with
Users for the provision of electronic services. Acceptance of the conditions contained
therein, including the obligation to comply with it, means concluding an agreement for
the provision of Services without the need to draw up a separate agreement
- Upon acceptance of the Rules and Regulations, the User concludes an agreement with the
Administrator for the provision of selected Website Services, including quiz solving
services, access to stories, sharing quizzes and stories via Messenger, Facebook and
- Upon creating the Account, the logged in User obtains access to all Website Services.
IV. Terms and Conditions for the Provision of Services
- Using the Website, the User may use the following Services:
- Solving quizzes;
- Creating quizzes;
- Access to stories of other Users;
- Creating stories;
- Commenting on and rating quizzes;
- Commenting on and rating stories;
- Following Users;
- Exchange text messages with Users;
- Access to the User proBile;
- Share quizzes and stories via Messenger, Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp.
- All quizzes and stories created by the User are put in the Waiting room.
- The content posted in the Waiting room is each time veriBied by the Administrator. The
Administrator analyses the content, in particular in terms of its compliance with the law,
the principles of social coexistence, as well as the principles of spelling and style. If the
content is found to be non-compliant with these rules, the Administrator reserves the
right to remove the quiz or story. After veriBication, the quiz or story is placed on the
home page of the Website.
- The Administrator reserves that they are not liable for the unlawfulness or contradiction
to the principles of social coexistence of the content posted in the Waiting room.
- Users have the right to report content in the Waiting room to the Administrator by
clicking the "Report abuse" button on the page of a given quiz or story
- The services provided on the Website are free of charge.
- The Administrator reserves the right to introduce fees for Services provided via the
Website. The Administrator shall notify the User of any changes to payments in the form
of an e-mail sent to the e-mail address provided by the User in the Registration Form.
- The Administrator reserves the right to change the functionality of the Website at any
time, in particular by introducing new functions and amenities for Users.
- The User is obliged to use the Services on the terms set out in the Rules and Regulations,
in accordance with applicable law and the principles of social coexistence.
- The Administrator is not liable for the User's use of the Website in a manner inconsistent
with the provisions of law, the principles of social coexistence and the provisions of the
Rules and Regulations.
- The User is prohibited from:
- providing illegal content within the use of the Website and the Services;
- using the Website in a way that interferes with its proper functioning or exposes
it to damage;
- providing false personal data or information, content or materials of third parties
without their consent;
- Advertising or promoting own services or goods, as well as services or goods of
third parties on the Website without the prior consent of the Administrator;
- violating the rights of other Users, in particular through harassment, humiliation
or intimidation;
- disseminating content that contains computer viruses or other computer Biles
that compromise computers or computer networks;
- promoting behaviour that may lead to violation of the law.
- The Administrator reserves the right to extend the catalogue included in section 7 for
other User behaviour.
- The User grants the Administrator, for an indeBinite period of time, a non-exclusive, free
license to record, copy and distribute the materials posted by the User on the Website, in
particular the quizzes and stories in any way, in all Bields of use, also for promotional and
advertising purposes.
- Without prejudice to section 9, the User retains the ownership right to the content
created by them.
- There may be interruptions in the operation of the Website due to technical reasons, in
particular resulting from the need to repair or maintain it, as well as related to the need
to create backup copies or process the collected data.
- The Administrator is not responsible for the temporary inability to use the Website,
caused by technical reasons.
- The Administrator does not guarantee the proper functioning of the Website if the User
uses hardware and software that do not meet the technical requirements set out in
Section VI of the Rules and Regulations. Provision of the Service may also be interrupted
in the event of improper connection quality, damage or defects of telecommunications
equipment, power systems, computer equipment, failure of the telecommunications
network or power outages, or any action of third parties.
- The costs of internet connection with the Website are borne by the User in accordance
with the price list of their telecommunications operator.
V. Termination of the Agreement
- The user may terminate the agreement with immediate effect, at any time and without
giving reasons, by sending to the following address: contact@quizony.com an e-mail
containing a declaration of will to withdraw from the agreement. The User may use the
withdrawal form, a template of which is attached as Attachment to the Rules and
Regulations. After receiving the declaration of withdrawal from the agreement to the
indicated e-mail address, the Administrator will immediately conBirm its receipt to the
- Sending a declaration of will to withdraw from the agreement is also possible via
traditional mail sent to Quizony spó łka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością spó łka
komandytowa, ul. Krucza 5/11, 00-548 Warsaw, Poland. The Administrator will send
conBirmation of receipt of the declaration of withdrawal from the agreement to the
mailing address provided by the User.
- In the case of a logged in User, withdrawal from the agreement means deleting the
- Regardless of the right to withdraw from the agreement, the User is entitled to resign
from using the Website at any time by ceasing to use the Services. Ending the use of the
Website does not result in the loss of access to the Account.
- The Administrator reserves the right to delete the Account of a logged-in User who does
not comply with the provisions of the Rules and Regulations, acts in a manner
inconsistent with generally applicable law or the principles of social coexistence, or
when their behaviour is considered harmful to the Administrator or other Users.
Deleting an account means the termination of the agreement.
- For important reasons, the Administrator may terminate the Agreement for the provision
of Services with the User. Important reasons are, in particular, signiBicant economic or
business reasons and the termination of business activity by the Administrator.
- The Administrator shall inform the User about the termination of the agreement 14 days
in advance by sending an e-mail to the address provided by the User in the Registration
- In the event of termination of the provision of Services for reasons attributable to the
User or the Administrator, the User is not entitled to compensation.
VI. Complaints
- The User has the right to lodge a complaint regarding the provision of Services under the
Rules and Regulations at any time.
- the complaint may concern in particular:
- no access to the User Account;
- provision of Services by the Administrator in violation of the Rules and
- errors in the functioning or availability of the Services.
- The complaint may be sent by e-mail at the following address: contact@quizony.com or
in writing at the address of the Administrator’s seat.
- The complaint should contain the User's designation (User name, e-mail address) and a
detailed description of the circumstances underlying the complaint.
- The Administrator will consider the complaint within 14 days of its receipt. If the
complaint cannot be examined within this time limit, the Administrator shall notify the
person submitting the complaint about the reasons for the delay and the expected date of
considering the complaint, the total time limit may not be longer than 30 days.
- A response to the complaint is sent to the e-mail or mailing address provided by the User,
if requested by the User when submitting the complaint.
VII. Technical Requirements
- For the uninterrupted use of the Website and the Services, it is necessary for the User to
meet the technical requirements referred to in this section of the Rules and Regulations.
- For the proper use of the Website, it is necessary to have a computer or other device
connected to the Internet with a correctly installed and conBigured web browser, e.g .:
- Mozilla Firefox,
- Microsoft Internet Explorer
- Opera,
- Google Chrome,
- Safari.
- It is also necessary to have Cookies and Java Script enabled and a minimum screen
resolution of 640x480.
- In order to create an Account on the Website, it is necessary to have an e-mail or an
Google account.
VIII. Processing of Personal Data
- Administrator of Users' personal data processed for the purpose of using the Services
provided through the Website and for marketing, contact, archiving and complaint
purposes is the Administrator - Quizony spó łka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością
spó łka komandytowa, ul. Krucza 5/11, 00-548 Warsaw, entered into the Register of
Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the Capital
City of Warsaw under KRS no.: 0000718147, Tax IdentiBication Number (NIP):
5213813853, Polish National Business Registry Number (REGON): 369500538, e-mail:
- The Administrator ensures the implementation of the requirements resulting from
Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April
2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and
on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data
Protection Regulation) (hereinafter: “GDPR”).
- Contact with the Administrator is possible:
- via post - at the following address: ul. Krucza 5/11, 00-548 Warsaw, Poland or
- . via e-mail - at the following e-mail address: contact@quizony.com
- Users' personal data in the form of designation of a given User (user name, e-mail
address) and data that have been made available to the Administrator by Facebook,
Twitter and WhatsApp will be processed for the purpose of:
- Concluding the agreement between the User and the Administrator for the
provision of Services offered on the Website and its use - pursuant to art. 6 sec.
1(b) of GDPR, i.e. processing is necessary to conclude and perform an agreement
(the subject matter of which is the execution of services provided by the
Administrator) to which the User is a party or taking action at the User's request
before concluding the agreement;
- marketing of the Administrator's own goods and services, including
segmentation of consumer behaviour, for analytical and proBiling purposes -
pursuant to art. 6 sec. 1(f) of GDPR, i.e. based on the legitimate interest pursued
by the Administrator, which is direct marketing of their services;
- marketing of the Administrator's own goods and services, including
segmentation of consumer behaviour, for analytical and proBiling purposes -
pursuant to art. 6 sec. 1(a) of GDPR, i.e. based on the voluntary consent of the
- establishing, pursuing or defending any claims between the User and the
Administrator - pursuant to art. 6 sec. 1(f) of GDPR, i.e. based on the legitimate
interest pursued by the Administrator, which is the possibility of pursuing claims
or defending against claims;
- taking possible actions in connection with counteracting crimes - pursuant to art.
6 sec. 1(f) of GDPR, i.e. on the basis of the legitimate interest pursued by the
Administrator, which is the ability to prevent and prosecute crimes committed to
the detriment of the Administrator.
- Providing personal data by the User is voluntary, however, without providing it, the User
may not use all the Services indicated in Section IV(1).
- Users' personal data will be processed for the period necessary to achieve the purposes
for which the data is processed or until an objection is raised (if the basis for processing
is the legitimate interest of the Administrator) - depending on which of the events occurs
Birst. Later, the Administrator will store it until any claims are time-barred and for a
period of two (2) months after the end of such applicable limitation period.
- For Users whose personal data is processed by the Administrator, decisions will be made
in an automated manner, including as a result of proBiling.
- User has:
- the right to access their personal data;
- the right to request its rectiBication;
- the right to demand its removal;
- the right to request the restriction of its processing;
- the right to transfer personal data, i.e. to receive personal data from the
Administrator in a structured, commonly used machine-readable format. The
User may also request the Administrator to send their personal data they
provided to another administrator;
- the right to withdraw consent to the extent that it is the basis for the processing
of personal data. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the
processing that was made on the basis of consent before its withdrawal;
- the right to object to the processing of personal data to the extent that the basis
for the processing of personal data is the condition for the legitimate interest of
the Administrator.
In order to exercise the above rights, one should contact the Administrator, using the
contact details indicated in section 3.
- Users' personal data will be disclosed to the following entities: employees and associates
of the Administrator, IT service providers, hosting providers, advertisers, entities
providing advisory and legal services, to the extent necessary to perform an agreement
between the Administrator and this entity.
- Users' personal data may also be made available to entities and bodies authorised to
process such data on the basis of legal provisions.
- Administrator may transfer Users' personal data to countries outside the European
Economic Area (EEA).
- The User has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory body dealing with the
protection of personal data - the President of the OfBice for Personal Data Protection, if
the User believes that the processing of data by the Administrator violates the GDPR
- The OfBicer of Personal Data Protection processed by the Website is Quizony sp. z o.o.
- The Website uses cookies - more information in this regard can be found in the Privacy
Policy on the website https://www.quizony.com/privacy.html.
- All other issues related to the protection of personal data are included in the Privacy
IX. ModiOication of the Rules and Regulations
- The Administrator has the right to unilaterally modify the provisions of the Rules and
Regulations if at least one of the important reasons indicated in the catalogue below
- Amendment to the provisions of applicable law that regulates the conduct of
business by the Administrator;
- The need to adapt the wording of the Rules and Regulations to applicable law or
the need to make editorial changes to the Rules and Regulations;
- ModiBication of the operation or functioning of the website www.quizony.com or
individual Services, which will be caused by objective and independent reasons
of technological or technical nature;
- ModiBication of the terms of use of the website www.quizony.com or individual
Services, not deteriorating the situation of Users compared to the existing ones;
- The need to update the Administrator's data indicated in the Rules and
- The modiBications come into force when the amended text of the Rules and
Regulations is posted on the website www.quizony.com.
- The Administrator shall notify about any modiBications to the Rules and Regulations
with a message displayed on the main page of the Website 14 days in advance. The
Administrator will additionally notify the logged in User by means of a message sent
to the e-mail address provided in the Registration Form, 14 days in advance.
- The User may resign from using the Service at any time, in accordance with the
principles set out in Section V of the Rules and Regulations, if they do not accept the
wording of the new version of the Rules and Regulations.
Final Provisions
- The Rules and Regulations are valid from 22-07-2021
- The Regulations are available to Users at any time, free of charge on the website
www.quizony.com and at the Administrator's ofBice.
- The User may receive technical support in connection with the functioning of the
Website at the e-mail address contact@quizony.com
- In matters not covered by the Rules and Regulations, generally applicable provisions
of Polish law shall apply.
- The choice of Polish law on the basis of the Rules and Regulations does not deprive
the User who is a consumer of the protection granted to them on the basis of
provisions that cannot be excluded by agreement between the Administrator and the
User, under the law which, in accordance with the relevant regulations, would be
applicable in the case of the law of choice.
- None of the provisions of the Rules and Regulations limits the consumer's rights
under applicable law.
- Detailed information on the possibility for the User who is a consumer to use out-ofcourt
complaint and redress methods and the rules of access to these procedures are
available on the website of the Polish OfBice of Competition and Consumer Protection
at: https://uokik.gov.pl/pozasadowe_rozwiazywanie_sporow_konsumenckich.php.
- There is also a contact point at the President of the OfBice of Competition and
Consumer Protection (telephone: 22 55 60 333, e-mail: kontakt.adr@uokik.gov.pl or
in writing at: Pl. Powstań ców Warszawy 1, 00-030 Warsaw.), whose task is, inter alia,
to assist consumers in matters relating to out-of-court resolution of consumer
- The consumer has the following exemplary possibilities of using extrajudicial means
of dealing with complaints and redress: (1) application for dispute resolution to a
permanent consumer arbitration court (more information at: http://
www.spsk.wiih.org.pl/); (2) application for an out-of-court settlement of the dispute
to the voivodeship inspector of the Trade Inspection (more information on the
website of the inspector competent for the place of business by the Service Provider);
and (3) assistance of a poviat (municipal) consumer ombudsman or a social
organization statutory tasks of which include consumer protection (including the
Consumer Federation, Association of Polish Consumers). Advice is provided, inter alia,
via e-mail at tips@dlakonsumentow.pl and at the consumer helpline number 801 440
220 (the helpline is available on Business Days, between 8:00 a.m. and 06:00 p.m.,
connection fee according to the operator's tariff).
- Pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 21 May 2013 on on-line dispute resolution for consumer disputes and
amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC (Regulation on
ODR in consumer disputes), the User may submit a complaint in order to resolve any
dispute with the Administrator via the ODR internet platform (the ODR platform is
available at - http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/).
Attachment to the Rules and Regulations
Addressee: Quizony spó łka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością spó łka komandytowa, ul. Krucza
5/11, 00-548 Warsaw, Poland
e-mail: contact@quizony.com
I _______________________________ hereby inform about the withdrawal from the agreement for the use
of the Services of the Website www.quizony.com.
User's Full name: _______________________________
User’s e-mail: _______________________________
User’s mailing address*: ___________________________
User’s signature and Date*:___________________________
* Bill in when sending the form via traditional mail.
Last Edited on 2021-07-28.