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Total Number of Surveys
Tropical Western Atlantic
California, Pacific Northwest and Alaska
Tropical Eastern Pacific
South Pacific
Northeast US and Eastern Canada
South Atlantic States
Central Indo-Pacific
Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean
Indian Ocean and Red Sea
Tropical Western Atlantic
California, Pacific Northwest and Alaska
Tropical Eastern Pacific
South Pacific
Northeast US and Eastern Canada
South Atlantic States
Central Indo-Pacific
Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean
Indian Ocean and Red Sea
Total Number of Species
Tropical Western Atlantic
California, Pacific Northwest and Alaska
Tropical Eastern Pacific
South Pacific
Northeast US and Eastern Canada
South Atlantic States
Central Indo-Pacific
Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean
Indian Ocean and Red Sea
Tropical Western Atlantic
California, Pacific Northwest and Alaska
Tropical Eastern Pacific
South Pacific
Northeast US and Eastern Canada
South Atlantic States
Central Indo-Pacific
Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean
Indian Ocean and Red Sea
Top 15 Surveyors in Last 12 Months
Tropical Western Atlantic
California, Pacific Northwest and Alaska
Tropical Eastern Pacific
South Pacific
Northeast US and Eastern Canada
South Atlantic States
Central Indo-Pacific
Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean
Indian Ocean and Red Sea
Tropical Western Atlantic
California, Pacific Northwest and Alaska
Tropical Eastern Pacific
South Pacific
Northeast US and Eastern Canada
South Atlantic States
Central Indo-Pacific
Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean
Indian Ocean and Red Sea
Peter Leahy (376)
Joseph Mangiafico (108)
Sara Cowles (160)
Kacey Carleton (42)
Chuck Curry (30)
Stéphann Grégoire (18)
Frank Krasovec (12)
Janet Eyre (226)
Gail Roberts (57)
Frank Krasovec (37)
Dave Grenda (174)
Ed Gullekson (99)
MJ Farr (92)
Nancy Schmidt (42)
Claude Nichols (19)
Véronique Beaudoin-C. (16)
Dottie Benjamin (2)
Chuck Curry (163)
Stacey Henderson (12)
Cap Ternay GVI (19)
Karen Bogart (164)
Herb Gruenhagen (96)
David Baasch (79)
Peter Leahy (35)
Joni Sensel (18)
Florence Robertson (16)
Luanne Betz (1)
Kreg Martin (106)
Sara Cowles (12)
Christina Ewerhardy (11)
Deborah Cacace (140)
Matt Wilbur (89)
Ronald Wolfe (77)
Patricia Hartshorne (32)
Christy Semmens (11)
Amy Newfield (15)
Jocelyn Mendoza (1)
Laurel Fulton (69)
Ofer Inbar (12)
Aisha Alqarni (8)
Carmen Toanchina (120)
Callie Mack (75)
Patricia Richardson (75)
Annette Felix (24)
Brice Semmens (8)
Nathalie Parent (14)
Kathryn Doane (59)
Robert Bentley (10)
Rachael Lewus (4)
Bradley Noone (120)
Don Gordon (67)
Dennis Bensen (69)
Stacey Henderson (19)
Jonathan Chizick (7)
Michele Doucet (13)
Mary Adams (49)
Jet Long (10)
Salman ALAhmadi (2)
Kim White (114)
Katherine Mauser (63)
Robert Brennan (64)
Marla Walther (17)
Dylan Heppell (2)
Jason D. Feick (13)
Kris Karlen (48)
Sheryl Shea (10)
Kaylee Smit (2)
Marta H. Bonatz (85)
Rhoda Green (58)
Frances Tong (60)
Neil Ericsson (15)
Debbie Everett (12)
William Ribbens (44)
Marilyn Bentley (10)
Sandor Palvolgyi (2)
Fred Hartner (81)
Lorne Curran (54)
Harvey Surprenant (50)
Janeen Judah (12)
Stéphane Heider (9)
Fred Hartner (43)
Antonios Biliardis (8)
Ahmed Shawky (2)
Edward Benjamin (79)
John Smajdek (52)
Donna Goodale (50)
Lisa Miyake (9)
Friederike Benning (7)
Pam Wade (42)
Dennis Bensen (1)
Francis Malinosky-Rummell (2)
Paul Bonatz (78)
M.Kathleen Fenner (41)
Judith Cucco (27)
Amélie Germain-Paulette (7)
Janet Camp (39)
Mike Dirk (1)
Kathie Comerford (70)
Robin Webster (35)
Andrea Ippen (25)
Michael Del Valle (3)
May-Anne Gosselin (7)
Lillian Kenney (37)
Claudia Mata Ladevesa (1)
Leslie Kopietz (67)
Christa Anderson (34)
Dorothy Norris (24)
Isabel Rountree-Williams (2)
Alison Kruk (7)
Christy Semmens (32)
Robbie Williams (1)
Marta Zahalak (63)
Cindy Molitor (32)
Cathie Becker (24)
Ivie Henslee (1)
Maryse Marceau-Grimard (7)
Mindy Gould (32)
Marilyn Bentley (57)
Perry Webster (32)
Karen Bohner (17)
Marine Conservation Costa Rica (1)
Marie-Pierre Lessard (5)
Brice Semmens (32)
10 Most Frequent Species
Tropical Western Atlantic
California, Pacific Northwest and Alaska
Tropical Eastern Pacific
South Pacific
Northeast US and Eastern Canada
South Atlantic States
Central Indo-Pacific
Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean
Indian Ocean and Red Sea
Tropical Western Atlantic
California, Pacific Northwest and Alaska
Tropical Eastern Pacific
South Pacific
Northeast US and Eastern Canada
South Atlantic States
Central Indo-Pacific
Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean
Indian Ocean and Red Sea
Bluehead (87%)
California Sea Cucumber (62%)
Saddle Wrasse (95%)
Mexican Hogfish (81%)
Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse (80%)
American Lobster (72%)
Slippery Dick (81%)
Moorish Idol (83%)
White Seabream (88%)
Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse (79%)
Blue Tang (87%)
Plumose Anemone (61%)
Manybar Goatfish (90%)
King Angelfish (78%)
Brushtail Tang (80%)
Cunner (63%)
Black Sea Bass (79%)
Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse (82%)
Two-banded Seabream (82%)
Scalefin Anthias (66%)
Stoplight Parrotfish (84%)
Blackeye Goby (51%)
Brown Surgeonfish (aka Lavender Tang) (88%)
Barberfish (72%)
Regal Angelfish (76%)
Atlantic Rock Crab (55%)
Tomtate (78%)
Orange-lined Triggerfish (77%)
Salema (aka Cow Bream) (75%)
Three-spot Dascyllus (63%)
Bicolor Damselfish (82%)
Painted Greenling (51%)
Orangespine Unicornfish (87%)
Cortez Rainbow Wrasse (63%)
Orange-lined Triggerfish (75%)
Sea Lettuce (49%)
Belted Sandfish (77%)
Three-spot Dascyllus (75%)
Black Sea Urchin (73%)
Regal Angelfish (61%)
French Grunt (79%)
Copper Rockfish (51%)
Moorish Idol (87%)
Scissortail Chromis (61%)
Bullethead (Pacific) Parrotfish (74%)
Blood Star (48%)
Spottail Pinfish (70%)
Crescent Wrasse (71%)
Striped Red Mullet (66%)
Bullethead (Indian) Parrotfish (60%)
Foureye Butterflyfish (76%)
Sunflower Star (46%)
Bird Wrasse (86%)
Panamic Sergeant Major (60%)
Manybar Goatfish (74%)
Winter Flounder (43%)
Cubbyu (68%)
Blacklip Butterflyfish (70%)
Ornate Wrasse (61%)
Indian Sailfin Tang (59%)
Sergeant Major (74%)
Leather Star (46%)
Raccoon Butterflyfish (86%)
Pacific Creolefish (57%)
Two-spined Angelfish (72%)
Jonah Crab (41%)
Great Barracuda (66%)
Brushtail Tang (70%)
Sand Steenbras (52%)
Indian Bird Wrasse (59%)
Ocean Surgeonfish (73%)
Coonstripe Shrimp (45%)
Hawaiian Whitespotted Toby (85%)
Balloonfish (55%)
Moorish Idol (71%)
Northern Sea Star (35%)
Bank Sea Bass (65%)
Manybar Goatfish (67%)
Flathead Grey Mullet (49%)
Lined Bristletooth (58%)
Bar Jack (72%)
Lingcod (44%)
Yellow Tang (81%)
Panama Graysby (55%)
Reticulated Dascyllus (71%)
Rock Gunnel (26%)
Seaweed Blenny (57%)
Regal Angelfish (66%)
Triton Snail (48%)
Brown Pygmy Angelfish (57%)
Redband Parrotfish (72%)
Red Rock Crab (44%)
Ornate Butterflyfish (80%)
Chameleon Wrasse (53%)
Checkerboard Wrasse (70%)
Grubby Sculpin (26%)
Atlantic Spadefish (55%)
Reticulated Dascyllus (66%)
Saddled Bream (48%)
Freckled Hawkfish (55%)
Top 10 Sites for Species Richness
Tropical Western Atlantic
California, Pacific Northwest and Alaska
Tropical Eastern Pacific
South Pacific
Northeast US and Eastern Canada
South Atlantic States
Central Indo-Pacific
Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean
Indian Ocean and Red Sea
Tropical Western Atlantic
California, Pacific Northwest and Alaska
Tropical Eastern Pacific
South Pacific
Northeast US and Eastern Canada
South Atlantic States
Central Indo-Pacific
Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean
Indian Ocean and Red Sea
Blue Heron Bridge (WPB) Phil Foster Park, Jupiter Inlet to Key Biscayne (483)
La Jolla Shores, S Dana Point - N La Jolla (239)
Kahekili Beach/Old Airport Beach, Leeward Shore Maui (Honolua Bay - Cape Hanamanoia) (264)
Arch / Darwin's Arch, Darwin (158)
Tetons I and II (South Save-a-tack), Namena Marine Reserve and Namenalala Island (524)
Folly Cove - Left Wall (Cape Ann), Massachusetts (120)
Caribsea (Beaufort Inlet), North Carolina (164)
Watu Waratun / Wara Wuntun Village / Wrassedemonium / Lava Flow / Black Sand Wall, Pantar; Lembata/Kawula; Adonara; Solor; Komba Islands (682)
Entre-Montes, Faial (88)
Marsa Shona / Marsa Shouna / Shoab El Shouna, S. of Quseir to Sudan Border (incl. Halaib Triangle) (326)
Bari Reef, Bonaire (430)
La Jolla Canyon, S Dana Point - N La Jolla (202)
Outside Honokohau Harbor South / Naia / Ripoff Reef, North Kona Coast (Keahole Pt. - Cook Pt./N. side of Kealakekua Bay) (258)
Swanne / Suwannee Reef / Swanee River / Roca Swany, Espiritu Santo - La Partida - Los Islotes (153)
Nigali Passage (Gau Island), Other Fiji Islands (507)
Fort Wetherill (general area), Rhode Island (117)
AR-386 Hyde Dredge Wreck, North Carolina (156)
Cape Kri Lagoon / Sorido Bay House Reef, Dampier Strait (incl. Gam Island; Fam Islands) (634)
Ilhéu Negro, Faial (83)
Maamigili Beyru, Ari Atoll (318)
Something Special, Bonaire (400)
Monterey Breakwater (San Carlos Beach), S Davenport - Point Lobos Reserve (201)
Garden Eel Cove / Manta Ray Bay / Keahole Point (dive off airport), South Kohala Coast (Kawaihae Harbor - Keahole Pt.) (250)
La Reina, Isla Ceralvo (151)
Grand Central Station (North Save-a-tack), Namena Marine Reserve and Namenalala Island (501)
Sandy Beach Cove (boat ramp) - Fort Wetherill, Rhode Island (113)
Station 20 (Gray's Reef NMS Monitoring Site ), Gray's Reef NMS (136)
Misool House Reef 1 (including North Lagoon and reefs), Misool, Wayil, Kalig, Fiabacet, Yilliet (631)
Radares, Faial (80)
Dhigu Rah Arches, Ari Atoll (314)
Tori's Reef, Bonaire (379)
Marine Room, S Dana Point - N La Jolla (185)
Paniau South / End of the Road / Ruddles, South Kohala Coast (Kawaihae Harbor - Keahole Pt.) (248)
El Lavadero (Las Animas), Isla Salsipuedes, Isla las Animas, Isla San Lorenzo (140)
Lion's Den (Wakaya Island), Bligh Water (489)
Old Garden Beach (Rockport), Massachusetts (110)
Indra Wreck, North Carolina (131)
Uepi Point (Uepi Island), New Georgia Group Islands (606)
Boca das Caldeirinhas, Faial (76)
Mirihi Giri (South Ari), Ari Atoll (310)
Commercial Pier Reefs/Datura Ave. 1st and 2nd Reef, Jupiter Inlet to Key Biscayne (378)
Refugio State Beach, S Point Conception - N Point Heuneme (163)
Devils Doorway / Wash Rock / Pawai Bay Arches / Arch Cave / Sand Channel / Fish Rock, North Kona Coast (Keahole Pt. - Cook Pt./N. side of Kealakekua Bay) (248)
Club de Yates, s Pta El Carrizal - Pta Tejupan (139)
Vatu Vai (Wakaya Island), Bligh Water (487)
Lane's Cove (Rockport, Glouster), Massachusetts (96)
AR305 Aeolus Wreck, North Carolina (122)
Gorgonian Passage / Neptunes Fantasea (between Wayilbatan & Walib), Misool, Wayil, Kalig, Fiabacet, Yilliet (576)
Santa 2, East of Cabo de Sao Vicente to s. border of Spain (70)
Bathalaa Faru Jetty, Ari Atoll (297)
Front Porch Bonaire (Sunset Beach), Bonaire (367)
La Jolla Cove - general area, S Dana Point - N La Jolla (160)
Golden Arches (North/South), North Kona Coast (Keahole Pt. - Cook Pt./N. side of Kealakekua Bay) (247)
Shark Bay, Wolfe / Isla Wolf (138)
E-6 / Cathedrals / North Wall, Bligh Water (471)
Cathedral Rocks (Rockport), Massachusetts (95)
Frying Pan Light Tower, North Carolina (111)
Maravaghi Bay (Mangalonga Island), Florida Islands and Savo Island (574)
Gomes, East of Cabo de Sao Vicente to s. border of Spain (68)
Kudagiri Wreck, South Male' Atoll (Kaafu Atoll) (295)
Yellow / Green Submarine, Bonaire (344)
Seacrest Park Cove 2 (Alki), West Seattle Area (156)
Turtle Heaven, North Kona Coast (Keahole Pt. - Cook Pt./N. side of Kealakekua Bay) (245)
Los Islotes Arch, Espiritu Santo - La Partida - Los Islotes (138)
Kansas (North Save-a-tack), Namena Marine Reserve and Namenalala Island (470)
Back Beach (Rockport), Massachusetts (95)
W.E. Hutton (actually Ario), North Carolina (109)
Mucky Mosaic / Mosque / Mouse, Alor (incl. Buaya - Kepa - Ternate - Pura Islands) (559)
Xatt I-Ahmar (MV Cominoland / MV Karwela / MV Xlendi), Maltese Archipelago (65)
Vilivaru Giri / Virivalu Giri, South Male' Atoll (Kaafu Atoll) (295)
Boy Scout (South of Yellow Sub), Bonaire (334)
Redondo M.S.C. Pier (MaST), Burien - Tacoma Area (151)
Turtle Pinnacle / Turtle Towers / North of Honokohau Harbor Entrance / Terrapin Station / Turtle Pai, North Kona Coast (Keahole Pt. - Cook Pt./N. side of Kealakekua Bay) (244)
Norte de Faro / North Lighthouse, Isla San Pedro Nolasco (134)
Two Thumbs Up (South Save-a-tack), Namena Marine Reserve and Namenalala Island (467)
Nubble Light (York), Maine (86)
Charleston 60 Reef, South Carolina (108)
Nudi Rock / Tug Boat / Tonka, Misool, Wayil, Kalig, Fiabacet, Yilliet (555)
Gruta dos Camarões / Baia da Garca, Faial (64)
Kurumba Faru House Reef, North Male' Atoll (Kaafu Atoll) (295)
Prince Albert Wreck, Roatan (331)
Keystone State Park Jetty, Whidbey Island (147)
Suck Em Up Cave / Skull Cave, North Kona Coast (Keahole Pt. - Cook Pt./N. side of Kealakekua Bay) (244)
Punta Vicente Roca, Pta Vicente Roca (132)
Mt. Mutiny / Hi-8, Bligh Water (464)
Folly Cove - Right Wall (Cape Ann), Massachusetts (86)
Papoose (actually WE Hutton), North Carolina (108)
Wickham (Vangunu) Island East and West Point, New Georgia Group Islands (554)
Montaza Ayda (Alexandria), Egypt Northern Coast (Mediterranean) (63)
Dhonfanu Faru, Baa Atoll (South Maalhosmadulu) (294)
Buddy's Reef, Bonaire (329)
Sund Rock North Wall Marine Preserve, Quatsap Pt. and Misery Pt. - Potlatch State Park (145)
Big Arch / Freeze Face Cave / Lone Tree Arch, North Kona Coast (Keahole Pt. - Cook Pt./N. side of Kealakekua Bay) (244)
El Canyon / San Benedicto, San Benedicto Island (132)
Coral Corner / Pure Magic / Instant Replay (Vatu-i-ra), Bligh Water (455)
Halibut Shores / Halibut Point State Park (Rockport), Massachusetts (82)
Schurz Wreck, North Carolina (103)
House Reef (Wakatobi), Wakatobi (inc. Buton Island) (553)
Mgarr Ix Xini, Maltese Archipelago (61)
Rasdhoo Madivaru, Rasdhu / Rasdhoo Atoll (294)
Top Surveyors of All Time
Tropical Western Atlantic
California, Pacific Northwest and Alaska
Tropical Eastern Pacific
South Pacific
Northeast US and Eastern Canada
South Atlantic States
Central Indo-Pacific
Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean
Indian Ocean and Red Sea
Tropical Western Atlantic
California, Pacific Northwest and Alaska
Tropical Eastern Pacific
South Pacific
Northeast US and Eastern Canada
South Atlantic States
Central Indo-Pacific
Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean
Indian Ocean and Red Sea
Peter Leahy (4,941)
Don Gordon (1,936)
Patricia Richardson (1,875)
Annette Felix (481)
Janet Eyre (332)
Jason D. Feick (515)
Frank Krasovec (193)
Janet Eyre (1,602)
Gail Roberts (469)
Ahmed Shawky (156)
Dave Grenda (3,971)
Rhoda Green (1,425)
MJ Farr (1,736)
Richard Baker (477)
Chuck Curry (291)
Joseph Mangiafico (413)
Dave Grenda (164)
Kreg Martin (955)
André David Novo (57)
Chuck Curry (99)
Franklin Neal (2,180)
Ed Gullekson (1,130)
Judith Cucco (1,355)
Pam Wade (270)
Kara Toole (195)
Amy Newfield (212)
Stephen Campbell (69)
Chuck Curry (942)
Mohammad Adel (36)
Laurel Fulton (83)
Linda Baker (2,131)
Georgia Arrow (1,071)
Dennis Bensen (886)
Robert Reavis (191)
Lillian Kenney (171)
Michael Murphy (202)
Stephen J Vinitsky (66)
Janet Camp (548)
Alison Stocker (28)
Christy Semmens (77)
Lillian Kenney (1,922)
Janna Nichols (1,051)
Don Judy (878)
Kandie Vactor (172)
Kreg Martin (168)
John Feehan (159)
Lee Moore (59)
Pam Wade (489)
John Highet (21)
Shirley Westcott (72)
Kim White (1,892)
Herb Gruenhagen (937)
Ronald Wolfe (755)
Brice Semmens (165)
Sue Manning (140)
Eric Heupel (142)
Raymond Rhodes (46)
Laurel Fulton (422)
Deborah Cacace (15)
Dennis Bensen (67)
Douglas Harder (1,883)
Todd Cliff (906)
Janet Eyre (664)
Jonathan Lavan (156)
Christy Semmens (126)
Andrew Urh (106)
Sarah Goldman (40)
Kara Toole (411)
Christy Semmens (14)
Pam Wade (66)
Cassandra Neal (1,586)
Randall Tyle (853)
Kathleen Malasky (602)
Christy Semmens (149)
Dave Grenda (123)
Suzanne Rose (103)
Arnold Postell (37)
Lillian Kenney (383)
Franklin Neal (13)
Kara Toole (57)
Dee Scarr (1,563)
Thomas Nicodemus (827)
Sara Cowles (597)
Beth Bruton (124)
Janet Camp (101)
Scott Holland (95)
Sallie Behrend (37)
William Ribbens (273)
Cassandra Neal (13)
Kreg Martin (57)
Tracey Griffin (1,517)
Callie Mack (811)
Robert Brennan (556)
Nancy Schmidt (108)
Neil Ericsson (79)
Clive R. Wood (91)
James Brooke (35)
Alice Ribbens (261)
Stacey Henderson (12)
Janet Clayton (56)
Kathie Comerford (1,511)
Doug Miller (762)
Rick Long (528)
Donald McCoy (99)
Laurel Fulton (75)
Eileen Byrne (70)
Erin Burge (34)
Kris Karlen (252)
Sara Cowles (12)
Amy Lee (56)
Michael Phelan (1,442)
Joseph Mangiafico (754)
Fred Litt (392)
Dave Grenda (97)
Tracey Griffin (72)
Tom Bergendahl (70)
Scott Fowler (31)
Sue Manning (238)
Ofer Inbar (12)
Alice Ribbens (54)
Sheryl Shea (1,428)
Claude Nichols (681)
Michael Fausnaugh (355)
Kreg Martin (93)
Sarah Brooks (67)
Amy Maurer (70)
Ralph Rogers (29)
Christy Semmens (199)
Alice Ribbens (11)
William Ribbens (53)
Linda Schillinger (1,372)
Valerie Lyttle (580)
Chuck Curry (342)
Daniel Richards (91)
Pam Wade (57)
Ted Maney (65)
Laddie Akins (25)
Kathryn Doane (188)
William Ribbens (11)
David Thompson (53)
Laddie Akins (1,315)
Cindy Molitor (561)
Kara Toole (293)
Walter Briney (85)
Fred Hartner (53)
Jim Drew (60)
Carol Grant (25)
Byron Bishop (177)
Sheryl Shea (11)
Kris Karlen (51)
Linda Ridley-Wise (1,177)
M.Kathleen Fenner (557)
Nick Brilliande (278)
Carol Cox (84)
Janna Nichols (50)
Daniel Hedrick (53)
Mark Hooper (23)
Tracey Griffin (164)
Antonios Biliardis (11)
Brice Semmens (51)
Judie Clee (1,142)
John Smajdek (501)
Karen Ella Levy (277)
Sandra Percell (83)
Amy Lee (47)
Alex Brett (50)
Roger Skillman (23)
Fred Hartner (164)
Janet Camp (10)
Robert Bentley (50)
Patricia Chandler (1,114)
John Wolfe (498)
Florence Bahr (276)
Kacey Carleton (79)
Claude Nichols (41)
Alison Kruk (45)
Jeff Haines (17)
Carol Cox (148)
Marilyn Bentley (10)
Marilyn Bentley (50)
Bruce Purdy (1,036)
Doug Biffard (494)
Liz Foote (238)
Alice Ribbens (76)
Sally Davies (39)
Michele Doucet (45)
Michael Paller (16)
Amy Lee (137)
Dennis Bensen (10)
Martin Levy (48)
Rob McCall (1,029)
Kawika Chetron (487)
Daniel Bulkley (212)
Amy Lee (75)
Franklin Neal (39)
Stella Martin (44)
Janelle Fleming (15)
Barbara Anderson (114)
Laurel Fulton (10)
Neil Ericsson (45)
Marta H. Bonatz (989)
Jackie Myers (463)
Nanette Harter (204)
Martin Levy (73)
Brice Semmens (38)
Corey Leamy (37)
Markus Pallos (14)
Shirley Westcott (113)
Robert Bentley (10)
Jet Long (45)
David Kerridge (965)
Carl Gwinn (443)
Marc Adler (172)
Barbara Anderson (70)
MJ Farr (38)
Richard Curtin (36)
Alex Score (14)
Daniel Richards (109)
Jet Long (10)
Peter Leahy (45)
Paul Bonatz (962)
David Todd (443)
Douglas Harder (171)
Marta Zahalak (65)
Sheryl Shea (37)
Stéphann Grégoire (36)
Charlotte Johnson (14)
Martin Levy (108)
Brice Semmens (10)
Luanne Betz (45)
Joyce Schulke (938)
Mike Delaney (438)
Jeanne Dunning (166)
Laurel Fulton (64)
Kenny Tidwell (36)
Florence Robertson (33)
Lillian Kenney (14)
Connie Bogan (102)
Janet Eyre (10)
Janet Camp (42)
Kenny Tidwell (891)
Lorne Curran (438)
Kent Harder (154)
Jet Long (61)
Bruce Cosby (35)
Peter Marck (32)
Brenda Hitt (14)
Sara Cowles (100)
Anna DeLoach (9)
Ronald Wolfe (41)
Generated 18/03/25 @ 4:11 PM