Profitability requires proficiency in all phases of your operation. Learn how Schuler bulls can keep the factory functioning efficiently and problem free, and build a reputation that gets your annual production to the top of the market.
Step 1 - Get The Cow Right First
Schuler Red Angus cows stay in the herd longer with a 15% advantage in Stayability!
Successful commercial cattleman know that the cow must match her environment. If a cow fails to breed and produce a quality calf in a least-cost environment, selection for other economically relevant traits would be futile. A cow’s ability (or lack of) to demonstrate fitness to her environment is influenced by output traits such as milk production and performance, as well as input traits such as maintenance energy and stayability. Maternal heterosis through a planned cross-breeding program offers a large but under-utilized opportunity to increase cowherd productivity.
In addition to a breeding program driven by cow-herd building traits such as stayability and cow maintenance energy costs, Schuler Red Angus utilizes proven selection and management strategies to enhance cowherd fertility and productivity:
• Heifers born early in the calving season are given selection preference.
• Only heifers bred in the first 30 days are considered for replacements.
• Heifer exposure data is submitted annually for Heifer Fertility EPD evaluation.
• Every cow must become pregnant in 60 days annually.
• Cows with poor udders, bad feet, or poor dispositions are not tolerated. -
Step 2 - Get the Calf Right Next
Cows fit “LeastCost” environment | Calves excel in Feedlot environment
Heifers that conceive early make cows that stay in the herd longer
Schuler Red Angus sired steers qualify for premiums available through the Red Angus Feeder Calf Certification Program (FCCP)
The calf must be targeted to the market and in the case of most commercial producers raising Red Angus-influenced cattle that includes both replacement heifers and feeder steers. Red Angus has a well-deserved reputation for being a maternal breed but the reality is that over half the progeny will still be expected to perform in a feedlot on energy-dense rations. This is a very different environment from the range and crop residues where cows are expected to reproduce and wean a calf annually. This makes it a challenge to produce cattle that will thrive in both systems. We are dedicated to identify genetics that will produce a quality calf for the market and a superior female to build a herd.
• Commercial cowherd for 50 years
• Collection of feedlot and carcass data since 1991
• 25% of the actual harvest data at the Red Angus Association submitted by Schuler Red Angus
• purchase customer cattle annually to feed to finish and develop replacement heifers for sale
• collection of intake, performance and product traits from progeny test herds
• excellent dispositions contribute to increased gain and handler safety -
Step 3 - Get the Bull Right Every Time
Rebel 0029X is a breed leader for both Herdbuilder and GridMaster indices
Schuler Red Angus bulls are bred, raised and developed for profit-orientated commercial operations. We consider every mating carefully to ensure every bull we sell will sire steers that excel in feedlot and product traits while every heifer will be a candidate for a replacement in the cowherd. Our data-driven breeding program doesn’t overshadow our emphasis for the necessary traits of fertility, fleshing-ability, soundness and disposition. Schuler Red Angus bulls are proven performers in a wide variety of environments from eastern Oregon to southern Florida as well as everything in-between. Even if not retaining ownership after weaning our customers regularly receive premiums for their Schuler Red Angus-sired calves at the sale-barn or on the video. Buyers recognize the superior maternal and herd-building traits of the heifers and the excellent feedlot and product trait of the feeder cattle sire by Schuler Red Angus bulls.