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  • Share with 90M+ people around the world

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What our contributors are saying

  • Since discovering Scribd, it's the only website I use to upload and share my documents. It's fast, easy to use, and I can upload as much as I want.

    Marin S.

  • I go back to Scribd every time because I know I can trust it to work quickly and the content will look great. Scribd helps me tell better stories.

    Sara R.

  • I use Scribd because it's the best place to find high quality information and share it with a global audience.

    Almir O.

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Supported file types: pdf, txt, doc, ppt, xls, docx, and moreBy uploading, you agree to our Scribd Uploader AgreementYou must own the copyright to any document you share on Scribd. You can read more about this in our Copyright FAQs.
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